Some important points we need to align:
Voiz 288 (remaining inventory)
1. No need to force sellin to our L1 customers the remaining inventory. Since most inventory left is VCH288 and VMI 288, we just sell based on offtake. Just a reminder.
2. The last thing we want to have is huge inventory in the store warehouses and we will be forced to spend to do promotion in line with your objective for the Voiz 5 baht programs come Sept 1.
3. By Sept 1, inventory left for Voiz 288 we can either allocate to our distirbutors which I belive they are very much willing to accept or sell to our Laos distributors.
So there is no urgeny to deplete these Voiz 288 by Aug 31 krab.
New Voiz 144
1. By now, all of our station have the new Voiz 144 for the 4 flavors. As I was informed, we just selling in new Voiz 144 this August based on normal offtake. This is ok and correct so that come Sept 1, we can sell the total program to our L1 and L2 customers effectively.
2. Give extra push for Schools during pipeline. As all unverstoes will open by this period, the new Voiz 5 baht would be a timely offer. With more cream now, not only VCB144, but also the Chocolate, Milk and Strawberry, I think this would be a great opportunity for consumer trial for our target market.
Kindly ensure to communicate this to our Sales Teams.