1. a circular frame or disk arranged to revolve on an axis, as on or in vehicles or machinery.
2. any machine, apparatus, instrument, etc., shaped like this or having a circular frame, disk, or revolving drum as an essential feature: a potter's wheel.
3. steering wheel.
4. Naut.
a. a circular frame with an axle connecting to the rudder of a ship, for steering.
b. paddle wheel.
5. a bicycle.
6. a round object, decoration, etc.: a wheel of cheese.
7. an old instrument of torture in the form of a circular frame on which the victim was stretched until disjointed.
8. pinwheel (def. 2).
9. a rotating instrument that Fortune is represented as turning so as to bring about changes or reverses in human affairs.
10. wheels,
a. moving, propelling, or animating agencies: the wheels of commerce.
b. Slang. a personal means of transportation, esp. a car.
11. a cycle, recurring action, or steady progression: the wheel of days and nights.
12. a wheeling or circular movement: the intricate wheels of the folk dances.
13. someone active and influential, as in business or politics; an important person: a big wheel.