Results (
Indonesian) 1:
25000:25:02,938 --> 00:25:09,206The Yushin Army has repelledLords Jujin, Hojae and Bojong's troops.25100:25:11,613 --> 00:25:14,136Hojae, Jujin and Bojong...25200:25:14,256 --> 00:25:15,592are all retreating?25300:25:15,712 --> 00:25:16,737Yes, Your Majesty.25400:25:16,857 --> 00:25:20,938They were able to repel them,and regain control of the situation.25500:25:25,429 --> 00:25:26,672Retreat?!25600:25:26,792 --> 00:25:31,146Yes. The Commissioner sent troopsfrom Mounts Nang and Muhwa there,25700:25:31,266 --> 00:25:33,881- and they joined...- Mount Nang!25800:25:34,001 --> 00:25:38,432Then, are you telling me thatnobody is defending Mount Nang now?25900:25:38,552 --> 00:25:40,022Your Majesty.26000:25:40,142 --> 00:25:42,100Yes, of course...26100:25:43,266 --> 00:25:45,004It can't be...26200:25:45,124 --> 00:25:46,490What is the matter?26300:25:46,610 --> 00:25:49,703Why would Mount Nang pose a problem now?26400:25:50,593 --> 00:25:52,088~ Mount Nang ~26500:25:52,596 --> 00:25:54,483~ Myeonghwalsan Fortress ~26600:25:54,801 --> 00:25:59,795- Here...- Myeonghwalsan Fortress.26700:26:01,513 --> 00:26:04,990So they're heading for Myeonghwalsan Fortress?26800:26:05,110 --> 00:26:10,510Two powers inside the capital?26900:26:26,299 --> 00:26:29,965What? Are you telling me theyare retreating towards Mount Nang?27000:26:30,085 --> 00:26:30,856Yes.27100:26:30,976 --> 00:26:34,417They are all passing throughDorijae and heading there.27200:26:34,537 --> 00:26:37,237Then... They cannot...27300:26:38,573 --> 00:26:40,976What is the matter, Chief Marshal?27400:26:41,096 --> 00:26:43,223What they're after is not the capital.27500:26:43,343 --> 00:26:45,026What?27600:26:46,339 --> 00:26:48,290It's Myeonghwalsan Fortress.27700:26:48,410 --> 00:26:50,809They're attempting topenetrate Myeonghwalsan Fortress.27800:26:55,187 --> 00:26:59,733~ Myeonghwalsan Fortress Front Gates ~27900:27:04,962 --> 00:27:06,828I laud your efforts.28000:27:06,948 --> 00:27:07,782It is nothing.28100:27:07,902 --> 00:27:10,517Your brilliant strategy nearly emptied the fortress,28200:27:10,637 --> 00:27:12,609so you rendered our job much easier.28300:27:32,334 --> 00:27:36,431What they were after from the very start was not the capital,28400:27:36,551 --> 00:27:38,960but Myeonghwalsan Fortress.28500:27:39,080 --> 00:27:43,173They focused their efforts on Yeodo Plainsto move troops away from Mount Nang,28600:27:43,293 --> 00:27:47,469and gain control of an emptiedfortress with only a few men.28700:27:48,791 --> 00:27:53,180The mistake Mishil madewhen she staged her insurrection...28800:27:53,300 --> 00:27:59,533Yes. It was a subterfuge creatednot to repeat her same mistake.28900:28:00,218 --> 00:28:05,434There are only 15 ri betweenMyeonghwalsan Fortress and the capital.29000:28:05,554 --> 00:28:08,301Yes. Cavalry troops could cover such distance...29100:28:08,421 --> 00:28:11,603in no more than a half period (15 mins).29200:28:12,732 --> 00:28:16,655Deploying such a large army inside the capital...29300:28:17,460 --> 00:28:19,654My apologies, Your Majesty.29400:28:19,774 --> 00:28:21,414How dare...29500:28:21,534 --> 00:28:23,046How dare...29600:28:23,703 --> 00:28:27,371they create a frontline inside the capital?29700:28:27,491 --> 00:28:30,572Is it not a daring stratagem?29800:28:34,608 --> 00:28:37,513Let alone in our seven century-long history,29900:28:37,633 --> 00:28:40,551no other country has ever seen such large armies contending...30000:28:40,671 --> 00:28:45,483each other so closely inside capital walls.30100:28:45,603 --> 00:28:48,611Yes, not to mention thatthere are only 15 ri between...30200:28:48,731 --> 00:28:51,240the capital and Myeonghwalsan Fortress.30300:28:51,360 --> 00:28:57,324That is why this situation cannot continue.30400:28:57,444 --> 00:28:58,759Sangdaedeung.30500:28:58,879 --> 00:29:01,444How do you plan to proceed now?30600:29:02,448 --> 00:29:04,568How do you think I would?30700:29:04,688 --> 00:29:09,216Pertama, kita tidak harus menyebarkan kata?30800:29:11, 074--> 00:29:13, 236Menyebarkan berita?30900:29:13, 398--> 00:29:14, 869Untuk siapa?31000:29:14, 989--> 00:29:16, 747Tepat.31100:29:17, 095--> 00:29:20, 269Sebarkan apa, dan kepada siapa?31200:29:20, 389--> 00:29:24, 955Terjadinya belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya garis depan dibangun di ibukota.31300:29:25, 075--> 00:29:27, 285Selama ini, kedua bangsawan,Bangsawan Bidam dan Yushin Tuhan,31400:29:27, 405--> 00:29:30, 889kesetiaan berjanji untuk Her Majesty,dan meskipun menjadi seorang wanita,31500:29:31, 009--> 00:29:36, 278ia memperkuat kekuasaan crown yangbahkan lebih dari pendahulunya nya.31600:29:39, 414--> 00:29:41, 958Tapi, sekali orang belajar ini,31700:29:42, 078--> 00:29:49, 404mereka akan mulai meragukanHer Majesty's keahlian dan otoritas.31800:29:50, 112--> 00:29:53, 123Kecurigaan mereka selalumembangkitkan dari awal...31900:29:53, 243--> 00:29:57, 885Yang bertanya-tanya apakah seorang wanita dapat benar-benar...32000:29:58, 005--> 00:29:59, 348Itu benar.32100:30:00, 069--> 00:30:03, 376Kita harus memberitakan Firman,32200:30:03, 496--> 00:30:08, 772dan memelihara situasi ini selama mungkin.32300:30:08, 892--> 00:30:14, 719Sedangkan mereka akan berusahauntuk melakukan sangat berlawanan.32400:30:21, 126--> 00:30:22, 716Ianya Bidam.32500:30:22, 836--> 00:30:24, 518Semua peristiwa yang terjadi,32600:30:24, 638--> 00:30:30, 379the nobles acting in unison,and all the deserters' movements.32700:30:32,102 --> 00:30:36,152Bidam joined forces with them.32800:30:38,442 --> 00:30:41,830They no longer have aMishil or Seolwon to lean onto.32900:30:41,950 --> 00:30:46,673So, who else would concoctsuch a daring stratagem?33000:30:49,957 --> 00:30:51,674It can only be Bidam.33100:30:51,794 --> 00:30:53,116Enough.33200:30:53,646 --> 00:30:55,130I have heard enough.33300:30:55,250 --> 00:30:59,944Your Majesty, is that not what you're thinking right now?33400:31:02,480 --> 00:31:04,518Is it not?33500:31:05,130 --> 00:31:07,081It is.33600:31:07,950 --> 00:31:10,521That is exactly what I'm thinking.33700:31:10,641 --> 00:31:12,280However...33800:31:13,849 --> 00:31:16,436I wish it was not the case.33900:31:17,241 --> 00:31:19,553I hope it is not.34000:31:21,707 --> 00:31:24,592~ Chuhwa County Administration ~34100:31:27,834 --> 00:31:31,351Lord Bidam still has not arrived?34200:31:32,118 --> 00:31:34,285I told you.34300:31:34,405 --> 00:31:36,125He told me to come first and arrange everything,34400:31:36,245 --> 00:31:38,397but still no trace of him.34500:31:39,178 --> 00:31:40,726What is this...34600:31:40,846 --> 00:31:43,382He should have been here already.34700:31:43,679 --> 00:31:45,356What is it?34800:31:45,476 --> 00:31:47,347I'll relay it to him.
00:31:47,467 --> 00:31:48,746
Give it and go.
00:31:48,866 --> 00:31:51,195
It's a royal order!
00:31:51,315 --> 00:31:54,651
I must relay this firsthand.
00:32:07,542 --> 00:32:10,425
I shall dethrone Her Majesty.
00:32:10,545 --> 00:32:11,697
00:32:11,817 --> 00:32:16,425
Didn't you say we must
maintain this situation?
00:32:16,545 --> 00:32:20,851
Are you telling us we will deploy
once all troops are gathered?
00:32:20,971 --> 00:32:22,431
00:32:26,417 --> 00:32:31,862
Even without a confrontation,
many nobles are joining our cause.
00:32:31,982 --> 00:32:36,187
And Lords Jujin, Sueulbu and Hojae,
00:32:39,121 --> 00:32:43,467
and others for a total of seven council
members, myself included,
00:32:43,587 --> 00:32:45,946
are now on our side.
00:32:46,066 --> 00:32:47,833
00:32:52,667 --> 00:32:54,171
00:32:54,291 --> 00:32:56,461
As current Sangdaedeung,
00:32:56,581 --> 00:33:00,280
I hereby summon all
council members for a meeting.
00:33:47,328 --> 00:33:49,872
With this council meeting,
00:33:49,992 --> 00:33:52,775
we shall deliberate upon the
dethronement of Her Majesty.
00:34:02,065 --> 00:34:04,651
Her Majesty Deokman...
00:34:04,771 --> 00:34:09,410
could not protect the territory
King Jinheung conquered,
00:34:10,255 --> 00:34:14,168
suffered countless invasions
at the hands of Goguryeo and Baekje,
00:34:14,288 --> 00:34:16,955
lost Daeya Fortress to the enemy,
00:34:17,612 --> 00:34:22,062
and as a female ruler was
belittled by a Tang delegation,
00:34:22,182 --> 00:34:26,726
besmirching our pride
and the legacy of our flag.
00:34:27,850 --> 00:34:29,033
00:34:29,903 --> 00:34:32,616
The auspicious omen Ashoka
the Great revealed to us...
00:34:32,736 --> 00:34:35,161
indicates that her time
on the throne must now end,
00:34:35,281 --> 00:34:37,789
and that a new ruler
shall grace our country,
00:34:37,909 --> 00:34:41,591
so would this not be what heaven's
providence has blessed us with?
00:34:41,711 --> 00:34:46,594
For the aforementioned reasons,
Sangdaedeung Bidam and this council...
00:34:46,714 --> 00:34:50,184
decided upon the
dethronement of Her Majesty,
00:34:50,304 --> 00:34:55,695
and proclaim that the only way
our nation can be rescued from misery...
00:34:55,815 --> 00:35:01,524
is if she relinquishes all
her powers of her own volition.
00:35:01,960 --> 00:35:05,691
Sangdaedeung Bidam
of the Council of Nobles.
00:35:13,586 --> 00:35:15,261
00:35:15,381 --> 00:35:17,020
00:35:17,140 --> 00:35:19,281
What is all this about?
00:35:20,487 --> 00:35:24,331
Is Lord Bidam
Being translated, please wait..
