The pitfall that you must avoid at all costs is asking research questions that will not generate new insights (Box 2.2). This raises the question of the extent to which you have consulted the relevant literature. It is perfectly legitimate to replicate research because you have a genuine concern about its applicability to your research setting (for example, your organisation). However, it certainly is not legitimate to display your ignorance of the literature.
McNiff and Whitehead (2000) make the point that the research question may not emerge until the research process has started and is therefore part of the process of ‘pro- gressive illumination’. They note that this is particularly likely to be the case in practi- tioner action research (Section 4.3).
It is often a useful starting point in the writing of research questions to begin with one general focus research question that flows from your research idea. This may lead toseveral more detailed questions or the definition of research objectives. Table 2.2 has some examples of general focus research questions.
In order to clarify the research question Clough and Nutbrown (2002) talk of the Russian doll principle. This means taking the research idea and ‘breaking down the research questions from the original statement to something which strips away the com- plication of layers and obscurities until the very essence – the heart – of the question can be expressed . . . just as the Russian doll is taken apart to reveal a tiny doll at the centre’ (Clough and Nutbrown 2002:34).
Writing your research questions will be, in most cases, your individual concern but it is useful to get other people to help you. An obvious source of guidance is your project tutor. Consulting your project tutor will avoid the pitfalls of the questions that are too easy or too difficult or have been answered before. Discussing your area of interest with your project tutor will lead to your research questions becoming much clearer.
Prior to discussion with your project tutor you may wish to conduct a brainstorming session with your peers or use the Delphi technique (Section 2.3). Your research ques- tions may flow from your initial examination of the relevant literature. As outlined in Section 2.3, journal articles reporting primary research will often end with a conclusion that includes the consideration by the author of the implications for future research of the work in the article. This may be phrased in the form of research questions. However, even if it is not, it may suggest pertinent research questions to you.