the project manager dr.abu he is from North Africa and he comes from political back ground , he used to hold high position in the public sector , Dr.Abu makes his decisions alone without the input of others. Dr.Abu is possess total authority and impose their will on employees. No one challenges the decisions , "he is man one show " .
the compoany had a project with one of the North African Country to upgrade the ID CARD from the hand writing one to the biometric one , during this project the company had been with so many conflict and problem between the Dr.Abu and his employee
Dr.Abu was so insist and concern to sign the contract because of his personal interest , he did not give him self and to his team the time to study the project well Dr.Abu doesn't care if the project success or not , he was more concern of the commission part rather than the Technical and the successful Part , also there were poor communication and lake of information between him and his employee , dr.Abu did not provide his team the Full information of the project there was less meeting and discussion with his employee since the project has been Signed he was only giving them instructions to do Work which is not enough information for his Employee to understand and do the Job , also there was lake of motivation , the employee feel like they are useless because all the decisions taken only by him , Dr.abu has killed the working spirt with his employee , the performs of his team has been drop .
These kind of issues creat uncomfortable environment between him and the employee
At the end , the project has been Failed and Dr.Abu has been sake out of the company and Mrs.hazizah the CEO of the Company has take over the project .