SUBJECT: Review Requisition for Accuracy, Completeness
GENERAL: The purchase requisition is to be reviewed by the purchasing officer for accuracy and completeness and by accounting for avail¬ability of funds (see Exhibit 1).
STEPS: Purchasing Officer
1. Review the purchase requisition:
• Ensure that the requisition number (5) is unique.
• Double check the mathematics for accuracy.
• Verify that the signature(s) of approval (12) are authorized officials of the department (1).
• Verify that the items to be purchased (7) are covered by the blanket purchase order number (13), if applicable. If the items are not available, assign a purchase order number. For preparing a blanket purchase order, see Purchasing Procedure 4.
• Review that the other boxes of the form are complete.
2. If the purchase requisition is not accurate or complete, return copies 2 and 3 to the responsible HOME staff.
3. If the purchase requisition is accurate and complete, forward the third copy of the requisition to accounting.
4. Check the approved HOME budget to verify that money is avail¬able to pay for the purchase.
5. For fixed asset purchase requests, review the capital outlay budget to determine if the item was included.
6. Check outstanding purchase orders to verify that remaining budgeted monies are available for additional purchases.