Dear Khun Wudy,
I would like to summarize details of New Triton Press Conference on October 5, 2016 as below details;
• Activity: New Triton Press Conference
• Date: October 5, 2016
• Time: 15:30 - 16:20 hrs.
• Participant: VIP Guests & Motoring Media 150 pax
• Event Details
• Contact Person: Kwan (081-884-2955) / Petch (096-242-6329) / Aun (Neo Target: PR Agency) (081-813-4429)
Please send me quotation of VDO production with include editing (and drone >> if possible) within tomorrow before noon naka.
Thank you & Best Regards,
Wichaya Nuanurai
Product Public Relations Division
Office of Marketing
Mitsubishi Motors (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
Tel: +66 (0) 2 079 9516
Fax: +66 (0) 2 079 9090 ext. 9516
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