Results (
Thai) 1:
Educational establishments continue to seek opportunities to rationalize the way they manage theirresources. The economic crisis that befell the world following the near collapse of the global financialsystem and the subsequent bailouts of local banks with billions of tax payers’ money will continue toaffect educational establishments that are likely to discover that governments will have less money thanbefore to invest in them. It is argued in this article that cloud computing is likely to be one of thoseopportunities sought by the cash-strapped educational establishments in these difficult times and couldprove to be of immense benefit (and empowering in some situations) to them due to its flexibility andpay-as-you-go cost structure. Cloud computing is an emerging new computing paradigm for deliveringcomputing services. This computing approach relies on a number of existing technologies, e.g., the Internet,virtualization, grid computing, Web services, etc. The provision of this service in a pay-as-you-goway through (largely) the popular medium of the Internet gives this service a new distinctiveness. In thisarticle, some aspects of this distinctiveness will be highlighted and some light will be shed on the currentconcerns that might be preventing some organizations from adopting it.
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