Traffic problems
There are many dangers when driving in a big city , traffic jams, road rage, car jacking drive-by- shootings ,smash-and-grabs , accidents or purpose ambulance chasers , corrupt police , touring ,companies that can grab your car in ten seconds .the list goes on.
Traffic jams are caused by drivers who tailgate and try to drive faster than the flow of traffic , when drivers merge at the last second , they have to step on their brakes , and that causes the tailgaters behind them to step on their brakes , roads rage occurs when someone loses self-control , some driver is going too fast , this causes a clash , there are many reasons behind the traffic jams problem.
The latter can also be attributed to the road code, violation , speed and carelessness , other reasons such as natural factors are involved ,snow , obscurity, and rain are most of them , one other cause is the poor infra-structure .
Understanding these very real dangers will help you learn how to avoid or prevent traffic problems .drivers should drive safely and learn to maintain self-control , the driver should be a street-wise so that he can take the necessary precautions.