Noise is an unwanted sound. When people are exposed to high noise level, the following noise induced disorders/problems take place.
1. Hearing loss: Excessive noise damages the hair cells in the cochlea, part of inner ear, leading to hearing loss.
2. Physiological: Excessive noise can cause blood pressure.
3. Work-related stress: noise in the work environment can cause mental stress.
4. Increases the risk of accidents due to the difficulty in listening to safety alarm.
5. Annoyance
6. Dilation of pupil
The sensitivity of the human ear is not uniform. Our hearing mechanism is more sensitive between 1000 HZ to 4000HZ. The decibel measurement is done in this frequency range and it is mentioned as dB (A)
The noise intensity is measured in decibels. It is not the intensity that determines whether the noise is hazardous, but the time of exposure is important and it decides the hazard.
There are some work places in industries where high noises exist.