Later, he woke up. Harald was asleep. Carl looked at his watch. It was midnight. He
called the air hostess.
‘Excuse me. What time to do arrive?’
’11.30 p.m. local time, sir. That’s about half an hour from now.’
‘Thank you.’ Carl changed the time on his watch.
‘Anything else, sir?’
‘No, I don’t think so. Oh, wait a minute – could I have a cup of coffee, please?’
‘Yes, of course, sir.’ He watched her bring the coffee.
‘She walks like my daughter, too,’ he thought. ‘And she is very young. She look
nervous, not sure what to do.’
‘How long have you been an air hostess?’ he asked.
She smiled. ‘Three months, sir,’ she said.
‘Do you like it?’
‘Yes, I love it. It’s very exciting.’ She smiled nervously, ‘Will that be all, sir?’
‘Yes, thank you’
‘Have a nice flight.’
He drank the coffee and started to read his newspaper. When Harald woke up, Carl
showed him a page in the paper.
‘Look. There you are,’ he said. He pointed to a picture. In the middle of the picture
stood Carl himself – a short thin man with grey hair, wearing a suit. Behind him, on the left,
was Harald – a tall, strong young man, like a sportsman. Both men were smiling. ‘That’s
you and me, outside the Embassy,’ said Carl. ‘We’re in the news again. You can show it to
your cons. You’re a famous man, Harald!’
Harald laughed. ‘You’re the famous man, sir, not me,’ he said. ‘I’m just a police officer.
It’s my job to take care of you. That’s photo of you, not me.’