Feeding Methods and Integration with Organic Poultry ProductionInnovative proteins, such as Asian carp fishmeal and other meals, can be incorporated into organic poultry feeding programs in various ways. While fully formulated diets are most common in organic poultry production, alternative methods of feeding are of interest. Some small-scale poultry producers raise and mix their own poultry feed from farm-raised feeds (Figure 5). In fact, some organic programs recommend using uncompounded organic feeds or “straights” from the grower’s own farm [86]. Multiple feeds can be offered to birds “cafeteria style” [87]. However, feeding multiple ingredients can be a challenge in commercial production. Another method of feeding, historically called “mash and grain,” offers 2 complementary feeds: a high-protein concentrate and a grain between which birds self-select to reach their nutrient targets. Fanatico et al. [88] offered a high protein concentrate (based on fishmeal and soybeans) along with corn to organic broiler, and found better feed efficiency compared to fully formulated feeding, although weight gains were lower.