Results (
Thai) 2:
alcohol use in adults
• Consuming or more standard drinks per week or 5 or more on an occasion, for men, or 8 or more drinks weekly or
4 or more on an occasion, for women and people older than 65 years of age, confers a risk of alcohol-related harm.
• Drinking at these risk levels can be clinically silent, so clinicians should screen adults with validated questionnaires
about consumption.
• When risk drinking is suspected, the clinician should, at a minimum, assess the consumption pattern, adverse consequences
(including alcohol-related health problems and criteria for an alcohol-use disorder), and readiness to change
• Brief interventions can reduce alcohol consumption and adverse consequences in risk drinkers without alcohol dependence.
• Pharmacotherapy with brief medical-management counseling can reduce heavy drinking in persons with alcohol dependence.
• Clinicians should monitor and manage risk drinking and alcohol-use disorders longitudinally.
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