The aim of this study was to measure environmental awareness in the world. The level of environmental awareness of the nations is important, because previous literature and research on environmentalism have demonstrated that the publics’ support for the protection of the environment depends on the level of its environmental awareness. In order to improve environmental awareness it is essential to first understand the level of environmental awareness in the countries today. Furthermore, we studied what factors correlate with environmental awareness on national level. In addition to measuring environmental awareness in countries, we also measured the current state of the environment in those countries and if the environment was perceived to be deteriorating or improving. The main objective of this study was to form a profile of environmental awareness in the countries of the world. The purpose of this was to give a view on the level of the country in the three different elements of environmental awareness: motivation, knowledge and skills. We were also interested to know if our measurement of national environmental awareness correlated with other national level indicators of social and economic development. The theory, methodology and tools of our study originate from two earlier projects that measured environmental awareness in the Baltic Sea Region and in the states of India. For this study the research area is extended to cover the entire Earth. An online survey was used to acquire data about the three elements of environmental awareness: motivation to act pro-environmentally, level of education, and skills to act pro-environmentally. The questionnaire also asked five questions about other issues of interest: current state of the environment, trend of the environment, environmental knowledge, possibilities to act pro-environmentally, and availability of environmental information. A total of 1861 responses were received, and 543 of those passed the initial screening process. The respondents were experts in the field, and evaluated the situation in the neighbouring countries. In consequence, 57 countries obtained the sufficient number of answers. The survey proved to provide relevant and valid data. According to the results, the countries vary significantly in their performances in the eight indicators. Overall, the countries score better in motivation, skills, and availability of information than in state of environment, trend of environment, or environmental knowledge. It is worth noting that the median of six of the nine measures fell below 50, i.e. on the ‘not so good’ area. On the other hand, the three measures that had a median over 50 are measures of empowerment. Therefore, even if the environmental situation globally is seen as worse than it could or should be, the respondents overall feel that there are ways to improve it. In order to visualize the results, maps of them were created. They showed that environmental awareness in generally higher in Europe than elsewhere, although with some exceptions. It…