This is the scene that shocks extremely, a Battle Spirit Realm Initial Stage big monster, the monster temporary palace solemn three palace hosts, a move died in not a well-known youth hand unexpectedly.
„Heaven, what did I see?”
„Died? Were three palaces main killed unexpectedly really?”
„Was too terrorist, he fierce, that is the Battle Spirit Realm big monster, unexpectedly completely is not his move of enemy, a move had been killed by the second, this has shocked, has probably a dream to be the same.”
Lian Yunbao all people imitate , if same in the dream, is unable to accept this reality, since that has bullied their three palace hosts, like this was killed unexpectedly.
At this moment, the person in person or monster temporary palace including Junborg, looked to this elegant bearing white clothing youth, in the facial expression has filled at present fear.
„Have you, you, you killed our three palace hosts unexpectedly?”
A black clothed People sound was roaring to Jiang Chen, but his expression was shivering obviously, energy is very obviously insufficient.
Jiang Chen does not pay attention to these Men in Black, his big hand grasps, was hit in the body that explodes to hold golden light shining Monster Spirit from the hawk king.
„Battle Spirit Realm Initial Stage Monster Spirit, helping me condense 100 Dragon Mark should not to have the too major problem, if main kills the monster temporary palace three big palaces completely, attacks Battle Spirit Realm, is not impossible.”
The Jiang Chen corners of the mouth overflow one to smile pale, fires of one group of Real Dragon from his palm blowout, fall above golden Monster Spirit of fist size, that Monster Spirit in fire of Real Dragon the heart of ignition, starts to be built up little.
Merely several time of breath, Monster Spirit then completely was built up by Jiang Chen, such that just like Jiang Chen expects, this Monster Spirit, helping him condense 100 new Dragon Mark.
At this moment, Jiang Chen within the body had 4700 Dragon Mark, is away from 5000 only remaining 300 numbers, in receives the goal to be quite explicit, that is another two palace hosts in monster temporary palace.
Jiang Chen likes daring matter like this, benefits other people as well as, not only has met own need, and rids the people of an evil.
„Eldest child, three palaces main was killed, we now what to do?”
Monster Beast was saying to a lead that Men in Black in a low voice.
„Walks, goes back, told the big palace host news, the big palace main will certainly defeat the bone to raise the ash this boy.”
The Men in Black who that leads said with clenched jaws.
Afterward, over a hundred Men in Black soar, changes into one group of black smokes once more, speeds along to go toward the distant place, Monster Beast is the tyrannical Savage host, but they are not the fools, including the Junborg sudden the youth, Lian Yingwang directly has killed, why they with its bucket, are only the dead ends.
„Ha Ha, came not to walk, stayed behind to me.”
Jiang Chen laughs, makes True Dragon Great Handprint suddenly, these cruel Monster Beast damn, since he has gotten rid, must exterminate completely, destroys completely the monster temporary palace thoroughly, for this mountain range clear root of trouble.
Just likes vault of heaven general scarlet Long Zhao drops from the clouds, has been covering to that group of black smog.
The sound of sad and shrill pitiful yell continuously, resounds from that group of black smog, blood fog everywhere, the stump residual limb breaks the arm to flutter in the sky, this flash, this piece void evolved a Asura battlefield merely, bloody to the extreme.
Regarding Jiang Chen, these Monster Beast were too small and weak, the small and weak pity, the original over a hundred camps, Jiang Chen this palm lay out simply, has killed more than 70 directly, remaining also completely is injured.
„Snort! Must die completely.”
Jiang Chen cold snort, he waves to make a piece of golden ray, each ray probably sharp sword is the same, interweaves one golden clathrias, wallops to go toward the front.