That black stone was full of charm, the dim light absorbed the person heart and soul, looked is the good treasure.
„This is a best quality goods demon Yuan stone, is treasure that an overseas outstandingly able person different gentleman takes, this demon Yuan lithophilic has in an overseas deep place submarine devil's lair, among contains the natural demon air/Qi, is born so an demon Yuan stone, among demon Yuan vigor, stone itself hard such as fine steel, general high-grade Battle Weapon is hard to cut broken it, this best quality goods demon Yuan stone, starting price 10 million.”
Xu can open the mouth to say.
However this time, has not caused too big moving restlessly, although after all a best quality goods demon Yuan stone is precious, but does not have the function regarding all member, came from Eastern Continent, is honest people, few people practice the demon merit, only if some Loose Cultivator or overseas outstandingly able person, to practice the shortcut, will practice the demon merit.
But this demon Yuan stone, only if falls to the hand of person of practice demon merit, or in the true Demon Race hand, will have the major function, the average person will be will not spend 10 million price purchases absolutely.
„11 million.”
However some people shouted price, what frontline propaganda is wears the man of black clothed situated in one of the below one angle, this person of whole person by the black long gown package, to the human a gloomy feeling, looked is not the honest public figure.
„15 million.”
Also is a sound in spreads from No. 3 Nha, frontline propaganda is not Jiang Chen, but is Han Yan, this best quality goods demon Yuan stone others do not look on the heart, he is different.
„Brother Yan, your body has the bloodline of Ancient Heavenly Demon, but also cares about this demon Yuan stone?”
Big Yellow Dog said.
„I care is not the charm of demon Yuan endolithic implication, but is the demon Yuan stone's material quality, after I promote Battle Spirit Realm, prepares builds one this to assign Battle Weapon to oneself, this best quality goods demon Yuan stone is actually very good material quality.”
Han Yan said.
„Right, a formidable member, this assigns Battle Weapon by far compared with general Battle Weapon use handily, moreover can play the most formidable might, what is more important, this assigns the rank of Battle Weapon along with the unceasing promotion of member boundary to promote, but can hit the manufacturing cost to assign the Battle Weapon person to be very few, this assigns Battle Weapon and member life is connected, in the process that builds, needs to consume the massive painstaking care and mind, process and difficulty . Moreover the success ratio is low, Brother Yan has the help of Ancient Heavenly Demon bloodline, believes that can complete.”
Jiang Chen opens the mouth saying that Han Yan raises this to assign Battle Weapon, making him unable to bear remember own Tiansheng Sword, initially he to build Tiansheng Sword, does not know that has consumed many mind, finally was successful, Tiansheng Sword just built, merely was incomparable items Battle Weapon, afterward grew along with Jiang Chen, dominates entire Saint Yuan Continent , became a terrifying peerless Saint soldier.
What what a pity is, Tiansheng Sword drops the Saint cliff, now has not known to exist.
Han Yan shouted after 15 million prices, the Men in Black has swept No. a 3 Nha in the split vision, then silent, clearly, knows that now host between No. 3 Nha is not affable, thing that Chen Jiang has a liking, good that do not compete, moreover, 15 million prices, regarding general Divine Core Realm, is a great sum of money.
„Good, it seems like it was nobody has competed, now I announced that a best quality goods demon Yuan stone belonged to Mr. Chen Jiang.”
Xu can these time very refreshed said the result, he now to the impression of that Chen Jiang is really good.
The auction continues, when are not many, Xiao Wei towed the golden tray to walk again.