6.5 Deflection and Distortion Measurement Precision:
6.5.1 The means of measuring deflections of structural ribs
between the reaction supports and movement of the ribs at the
supports shall provide readings within a tolerance of 60.01 in.
(0.25 mm).
6.5.2 The means of measuring pan distortion shall provide
readings within a tolerance of 61⁄16 in. (1.5 mm).
6.5.3 The means of measuring rib spread, when required,
shall provide readings within a tolerance of 61⁄16 in. (1.5 mm).
6.6 Reading Locations:
6.6.1 Support deflection gages or measuring devices so that
readings are not influenced by movements of, or within, the
specimen or member supports.
6.6.2 Measure the maximum mid-span and span end (at
anchor support) deflections of at least one structural rib not
influenced by the attachment or seal to the test chamber.
Additional locations for deflection measurements, if desired,
shall be stated by the specifier of the test