Personal Black box
The personal black box is constituted by elements, which forge the personality, the
values of life and the image, which people have of them.
The personal black box is based on the personal story of the individual. According to
Dodson, everything takes place during the childhood before 6 years old.
The education gives do’s and don’ts, which will be rejected frequently by teenagers.
Either they return to the person when she become adult, or they return not at all.
People develop emotional and rational intelligence. Values, habits and lifestyle of the
family can be accepted or rejected; it depends on the person’s characteristics.
In spite of the new service launched by Quick to increase its sales, to better satisfy its
customers and to try to acquire new customers, certain people will never be customers
at Quick because of their personal story. For example it will be the case for
memberships of certain religions, when an education of “healthy eating” took place
during the childhood and remains at the adult age and leads to a perception of
“unhealthy eating” of fast food restaurants or the habit since the childhood to go to a
fast food restaurant competitor.
Most of people targeted by Quick are part of the generation Y. The generation Y
includes people born between the beginning of 1980s and the early 2000s. Their main
characteristic is that these people were enough young during the introduction of the
massive-public computing (indeed the web born at the beginning of the 90’s) and the
mobile phones (the use of the mobile phone became more democratic at the end of the
90’s and the first smartphone was marketed in 1994, although it was necessary to wait
for 2006 to have a development of the 3G and smartphones were democratized) to
have acquired an intuitive control which exceeds generally that of their parents. That
explains the other nickname used for the generation Y, which is “ digital natives “.