This paper has reviewed the current existing practices of managing and treating Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) in Johannesburg. It has attempted to provide a comprehensive review of the management, environmental impact of waste disposal, properties and treatment. It was noted that the migration from other provinces to the city had a huge impact on the population growth in turn increasing the waste generated. A household is considered over-crowded if there are more than two people per room with a very low level of formal waste management. The review showed that Round Collected Refuse which refers to the weekly waste collection from households, contributed the highest percentage of the waste stream at 54.7% which it therefore presents an opportunity for sustainable innovation. Waste to energy is indeed a necessity as it will enhance the quality of life, ensuring a decrease in illegal dumping sites and a decrease in the use of landfill sites which are the main cause of climate change in such pertaining to current waste management practices for Johannesburg Cities Township.The study was carried out to evaluate the current status and identify the major problems. It has further provided the cities strategic plan and current project on waste to energy convertion as a possible solution for waste treatemnet and for carbon print incertives