Spatial market integration refers to co-movement or a long run relatio translation - Spatial market integration refers to co-movement or a long run relatio Indonesian how to say

Spatial market integration refers t

Spatial market integration refers to co-movement or a long run relationship of prices. It is defined as the smooth transmission of
price signals and information across spatially separated markets [Goletti et al.: 1995]. Two trading markets are assumed integrated if
price changes in one market are manifested to an identical price response in the other market [Goletti et al. :1995 and Barret:
1996].Market integration can also be defined as a measure of the extent to which demand and supply shocks in one location are
transmitted to other locations [Negassa et al.: 2003]. Barrett (1996) distinguished market integration into (i) vertical market
integration involving different stages in marketing and processing channels, spatial integration relating to spatially distinct markets,
and (ii) inter-temporal market integration which refers to arbitrage across periods of time.
Most studies on spatial price linkages focus on market integration and price domination [Kuiper et al.: 2003]. Measurement of
market integration can be viewed as a basic tool for an understanding how markets work [Ravallion: 1986]. If markets are integrated
the effects of policy intervention in one market would be transmitted to other markets. Duplication of interventions to spatially
separated markets will otherwise be undertaken at a higher cost [Goletti et al.: 1995]. By giving a more detailed picture of the process
of transmission of incentives across the marketing chain, knowledge of market integration is relevant to the success of policies such
as market liberalization, price stabilization programs and food security programs [Amha: 1999]. Market integration ensures that a
regional balance occurs among food deficit, surplus and non-cash crop producing regions [Goletti et al.: 1995].
According to Barrett (1996), studies on market integration provide information on market performance which is necessary for
proper policy formulation and macroeconomic modeling. If markets are not spatially or inter-temporally integrated it could be
indicative that market inefficiencies exist as a result of, amongst others, collusion and market concentration which result in price
fixing and distortions in the market. In such cases cross-sectional or inter-temporal aggregation of demand and supply loses its
logical foundation. The result is that agricultural producers will fail to specialize according to long run comparative advantages and
gains from trade will not be realized [Baulch: 1997]. This implies that if the assumptions of marketing integration hold, optimal
allocation of scarce resources could be attained. According to Wyeth (1992), market integration deals with one aspect of market
performance and a perfectly competitive market will probably be integrated, but an integrated market may not be perfectly
In the last few years, there have been an expressive number of studies aiming to verify if agribusiness markets, spatially
separated, are economically integrated. Though the term is used loosely in the literature, tests of ―market integration‖ usually
consider the extent to which shocks are transmitted among spatially separate markets. Integration of markets may have important
implications for price discovery and the operation of the market since persistent deviations from integration may imply riskless profit
opportunities for spatial traders [Goodwin and Piggot: 2001].
The analysis of spatial price relationships has traditionally sought to shed light on spatial aspects of the functioning and
interaction of localized markets. Various concepts such as spatial arbitrage, market integration and market efficiency have been used
to describe spatial price linkages. Spatial price arbitrage is an equilibrium concept according to which, in a well-functioning market,
transactions between spatially dispersed agents will ensure that price shocks occurring in one market evoke responses in other
markets [Serra et al.: 2006].
There are a few studies on price transmission in Iranian markets. Specifically only three studies zoom in on agricultural markets
which used new methods of price transmission. On the other hand, all of these studies analyzed asymmetric vertical price
transmission [Falsafian and Moghaddasi: 2008]. The first study on spatial integration and asymmetric price transmission in Iran has
been done by Falsafian and Moghaddasi (2008). They studied evaluates pattern of price adjustments in selected spatially separated
chicken markets. The objective of this analysis is to evaluate spatially price linkages among several fish markets in Iran. The analysi
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Results (Indonesian) 1: [Copy]
Spatial market integration refers to co-movement or a long run relationship of prices. It is defined as the smooth transmission of
price signals and information across spatially separated markets [Goletti et al.: 1995]. Two trading markets are assumed integrated if
price changes in one market are manifested to an identical price response in the other market [Goletti et al. :1995 and Barret:
1996].Market integration can also be defined as a measure of the extent to which demand and supply shocks in one location are
transmitted to other locations [Negassa et al.: 2003]. Barrett (1996) distinguished market integration into (i) vertical market
integration involving different stages in marketing and processing channels, spatial integration relating to spatially distinct markets,
and (ii) inter-temporal market integration which refers to arbitrage across periods of time.
Most studies on spatial price linkages focus on market integration and price domination [Kuiper et al.: 2003]. Measurement of
market integration can be viewed as a basic tool for an understanding how markets work [Ravallion: 1986]. If markets are integrated
the effects of policy intervention in one market would be transmitted to other markets. Duplication of interventions to spatially
separated markets will otherwise be undertaken at a higher cost [Goletti et al.: 1995]. By giving a more detailed picture of the process
of transmission of incentives across the marketing chain, knowledge of market integration is relevant to the success of policies such
as market liberalization, price stabilization programs and food security programs [Amha: 1999]. Market integration ensures that a
regional balance occurs among food deficit, surplus and non-cash crop producing regions [Goletti et al.: 1995].
According to Barrett (1996), studies on market integration provide information on market performance which is necessary for
proper policy formulation and macroeconomic modeling. If markets are not spatially or inter-temporally integrated it could be
indicative that market inefficiencies exist as a result of, amongst others, collusion and market concentration which result in price
fixing and distortions in the market. In such cases cross-sectional or inter-temporal aggregation of demand and supply loses its
logical foundation. The result is that agricultural producers will fail to specialize according to long run comparative advantages and
gains from trade will not be realized [Baulch: 1997]. This implies that if the assumptions of marketing integration hold, optimal
allocation of scarce resources could be attained. According to Wyeth (1992), market integration deals with one aspect of market
performance and a perfectly competitive market will probably be integrated, but an integrated market may not be perfectly
In the last few years, there have been an expressive number of studies aiming to verify if agribusiness markets, spatially
separated, are economically integrated. Though the term is used loosely in the literature, tests of ―market integration‖ usually
consider the extent to which shocks are transmitted among spatially separate markets. Integration of markets may have important
implications for price discovery and the operation of the market since persistent deviations from integration may imply riskless profit
opportunities for spatial traders [Goodwin and Piggot: 2001].
The analysis of spatial price relationships has traditionally sought to shed light on spatial aspects of the functioning and
interaction of localized markets. Various concepts such as spatial arbitrage, market integration and market efficiency have been used
to describe spatial price linkages. Spatial price arbitrage is an equilibrium concept according to which, in a well-functioning market,
transactions between spatially dispersed agents will ensure that price shocks occurring in one market evoke responses in other
markets [Serra et al.: 2006].
There are a few studies on price transmission in Iranian markets. Specifically only three studies zoom in on agricultural markets
which used new methods of price transmission. On the other hand, all of these studies analyzed asymmetric vertical price
transmission [Falsafian and Moghaddasi: 2008]. The first study on spatial integration and asymmetric price transmission in Iran has
been done by Falsafian and Moghaddasi (2008). They studied evaluates pattern of price adjustments in selected spatially separated
chicken markets. The objective of this analysis is to evaluate spatially price linkages among several fish markets in Iran. The analysi
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Results (Indonesian) 2:[Copy]
Integrasi pasar spasial mengacu pada co-movement atau hubungan jangka panjang harga. Hal ini didefinisikan sebagai transmisi kelancaran
sinyal harga dan informasi di pasar yang terpisah secara spasial [Goletti et al .: 1995]. Dua pasar perdagangan diasumsikan terintegrasi jika
perubahan harga di satu pasar diwujudkan dengan respon harga identik di pasar lain [Goletti et al. : 1995 dan Barret:
integrasi 1996] .Market juga dapat didefinisikan sebagai ukuran sejauh mana permintaan dan gangguan pasokan di satu lokasi yang
ditransmisikan ke lokasi lain [Negassa et al .: 2003]. Barrett (1996) integrasi pasar dibedakan menjadi (i) pasar vertikal
integrasi yang melibatkan tahapan yang berbeda dalam saluran pemasaran dan pengolahan, integrasi spasial yang berkaitan dengan spasial pasar yang berbeda,
dan (ii) integrasi pasar inter-temporal yang mengacu pada arbitrase di periode waktu.
Sebagian besar studi tentang hubungan harga spasial fokus pada integrasi pasar dan dominasi harga [Kuiper et al .: 2003]. Pengukuran
integrasi pasar dapat dilihat sebagai alat dasar untuk memahami bagaimana pasar bekerja [Ravallion: 1986]. Jika pasar terintegrasi
dampak intervensi kebijakan di satu pasar akan dikirim ke pasar lain. Duplikasi intervensi untuk spasial
pasar dipisahkan akan dinyatakan dilakukan dengan biaya yang lebih tinggi [Goletti et al .: 1995]. Dengan memberikan gambaran yang lebih rinci tentang proses
penularan insentif di seluruh rantai pemasaran, pengetahuan tentang integrasi pasar relevan dengan keberhasilan kebijakan tersebut
sebagai liberalisasi pasar, program stabilisasi harga dan program ketahanan pangan [Amha: 1999]. Integrasi pasar memastikan bahwa
keseimbangan daerah terjadi antara defisit pangan, surplus dan tanaman non-tunai daerah penghasil [Goletti et al .: 1995].
Menurut Barrett (1996), studi tentang integrasi pasar memberikan informasi tentang kinerja pasar yang diperlukan untuk
tepat perumusan kebijakan dan pemodelan ekonomi makro. Jika pasar tidak spasial atau antar-temporal terintegrasi itu bisa
menunjukkan bahwa ketidakefisienan pasar ada sebagai akibat dari, antara lain, kolusi dan konsentrasi pasar yang mengakibatkan harga
memperbaiki dan distorsi di pasar. Dalam kasus seperti agregasi cross-sectional atau inter-temporal permintaan dan penawaran kehilangan nya
yayasan logis. Hasilnya adalah bahwa produsen pertanian akan gagal untuk mengkhususkan sesuai dengan jangka panjang keunggulan komparatif dan
keuntungan dari perdagangan tidak akan terwujud [Baulch: 1997]. Ini berarti bahwa jika asumsi integrasi pemasaran terus, optimal
alokasi sumber daya yang langka dapat dicapai. Menurut Wyeth (1992), penawaran integrasi pasar dengan satu aspek pasar
kinerja dan pasar persaingan sempurna mungkin akan diintegrasikan, tapi pasar yang terintegrasi mungkin tidak sempurna
Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, telah ada jumlah ekspresif studi bertujuan untuk memverifikasi apakah pasar agribisnis, spasial
dipisahkan, yang terintegrasi secara ekonomi. Meskipun istilah ini digunakan secara longgar dalam literatur, tes integration‖-Pasar biasanya
mempertimbangkan sejauh mana gejolak diteruskan antara pasar spasial terpisah. Integrasi pasar mungkin memiliki penting
implikasi untuk penemuan harga dan operasi pasar sejak penyimpangan gigih dari integrasi mungkin menyiratkan keuntungan tanpa risiko
peluang bagi pedagang spasial [Goodwin dan Piggot: 2001].
Analisis hubungan harga spasial secara tradisional berusaha untuk menjelaskan aspek spasial dari fungsi dan
interaksi pasar lokal. Berbagai konsep seperti arbitrase spasial, integrasi pasar dan efisiensi pasar telah digunakan
untuk menggambarkan hubungan harga spasial. Harga spasial arbitrase merupakan konsep keseimbangan yang menurutnya, dalam pasar yang berfungsi dengan baik,
transaksi antara agen spasial tersebar akan memastikan bahwa guncangan harga terjadi di satu pasar membangkitkan tanggapan di lain
pasar [Serra et al .: 2006].
Ada beberapa studi tentang transmisi harga di pasar Iran. Khusus hanya tiga studi memperbesar pasar pertanian
yang menggunakan metode baru transmisi harga. Di sisi lain, semua studi ini dianalisis asimetris harga vertikal
transmisi [Falsafian dan Moghaddasi: 2008]. Studi pertama pada integrasi spasial dan transmisi harga tidak simetris di Iran telah
dilakukan oleh Falsafian dan Moghaddasi (2008). Mereka mempelajari mengevaluasi pola penyesuaian harga dalam memilih spasial dipisahkan
pasar ayam. Tujuan dari analisis ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi hubungan spasial harga antara beberapa pasar ikan di Iran. Analysi The
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