The result of study done by Mosaddeghrad
about "OC among IUMS staffs and it's relationship
with job satisfaction" showed that the affective
commitment had been in a good level and
normative and continuance commitments to be
in a moderate level. He also stated that there
had been a significant correlation between OC
and some other factors such as the level of education,
age, salary and job experience; so that
the staffs who have higher education or are older
than 30 or get more money, have more commitment
in comparison with others.7 There are
similar results in the current paper. Malekpour
also considered the relationship between organizational
culture and OC and concluded that
age, field, job level, work experience, education
and the kind of employment influence on OC in
staffs of educational hospitals of Isfahan.20 This
paper had the similar results about job experience.
Also, Yaghoubi (2006) in her research has
found that today's organizations need new and
effective managerial skills to be able to achieve
their goals. Results of our research revealed that
the organizational commitment was in an acceptable
level in the hospitals of Isfahan University
of Medical Sciences. The affective commitment
was higher than the continuance and
normative commitment; because manager
which have higher level of affective commitment
stay in the organization as they "like" to
stay. Finally, it is obvious that commitment is
an effective factor on personnel's performance
so it must be noticed more than before and
should be improved in our organizations. And