„Snort! Jiang Chen is just Battle Spirit Realm Middle Stage, if fights to the death truly, I do not believe that he can be my match, as for Wu Jiu, even if he promotes Battle King, also just promoted, where the strength to does not go, these help Jiang Chen resist Saint Martial King Dynasty, I must make them pay the extremely serious price, making them know that with Saint Martial King Dynasty for the enemy, what fate is.”
Wu Emperor cold snort, Saint Martial King Dynasty was swept by the face countenance in own hand completely, on his face, does not have the brilliance extremely.
„Father emperor, to guarantee eventuality, the child suggestion makes the old emperor advocate peace Retired Emperor to get rid.”
The crown prince proposed.
hear [words/that], Emperor Wu the fist grasps ka the sound, the old emperor advocated peace Retired Emperor already to pay no attention to the politics, closed up the anchorite, now actually must alarm them, thinks that he thought to feel ashamed.
„Uncle Retired Emperor cannot certainly alarm, Saint Martial King Dynasty is far from the dangerous time, Uncle Retired Emperor will not get rid, I see the old emperor host now.”
Emperor Wu was saying, his stature in a flash, then directly vanishes does not see.
In Saint Martial King Dynasty a close underground secret room, this secret room is extremely broad, builds with the rock completely, underground has spirit vein, the secret room is extremely crude, but visited a huge golden rush cushion in middle, at this moment, above the rush cushion, sits well to wear the old man of grey robe, the old man looks like over 50 years old is, hair half black half white, has the dignity.
At this moment, void in secret room rocks, a form appears in the old man near, is Emperor Wu.
„Has seen the emperor uncle.”
Emperor Wu is advocating to the old emperor deeply saluted, this old emperor host is on an emperor, is actually not the father of Emperor Wu, Saint Martial King Dynasty chooses the crown prince, is not direct descendant hands down, but selects most powerhouse from the new generation.
„How does the emperor have free time this?”
The old emperor host opens the eye saying that his pupil light is sharp, is equally bright just like the stars, the aura that lends at will, the martial arts contest emperor is more tyrannical, clearly, his cultivation for has reached the 1-Tier Battle King peak, is away from 2-Tier Battle King is also only the one pace.
„Emperor uncle, the nephew this time comes, is asks the emperor uncle to become an official.”
Emperor Wu opens the mouth to say.