21100:18:49,254 --> 00:18:52,516{a6}Empress Manho(King Jinpyeong's and translation - 21100:18:49,254 --> 00:18:52,516{a6}Empress Manho(King Jinpyeong's and Indonesian how to say

21100:18:49,254 --> 00:18:52,516{a6

00:18:49,254 --> 00:18:52,516
{a6}Empress Manho
(King Jinpyeong's and Manmyeong's mother)

00:18:54,158 --> 00:18:56,047
You didn't come alone.

00:18:56,476 --> 00:18:58,258
No, Your Highness.

00:18:59,353 --> 00:19:02,938
Please accept Princess Manmyeong's greeting.

00:19:20,639 --> 00:19:21,927

00:19:26,370 --> 00:19:29,375
It's has been 20 years since
the last time you saw her.

00:19:30,126 --> 00:19:32,294
It's time you forgave her.

00:19:32,681 --> 00:19:35,402
Just because I told her not to come...

00:19:35,522 --> 00:19:38,365
But still, she is the daughter
who didn't come visit me, even once.

00:19:39,846 --> 00:19:42,486
What's the point of forgiving?

00:19:43,603 --> 00:19:47,193
Mother... Mother...

00:19:59,654 --> 00:20:02,208
It's impossible to break through Baekje's posts.

00:20:02,328 --> 00:20:06,117
They tried to sneak in but even that is very difficult.

00:20:07,139 --> 00:20:09,801
(Cheonmyeong's brother-in-law)

00:20:07,998 --> 00:20:09,887
What shall we do now?

00:20:11,604 --> 00:20:12,828
Yes, I understand.

00:20:13,562 --> 00:20:15,301
Please go and rest.

00:20:21,591 --> 00:20:23,699
Princess, why are you acting like this?

00:20:24,979 --> 00:20:28,650
Are you just planning on abandoning
Kim Seohyeon and Yushin?

00:20:29,359 --> 00:20:31,570
Then, what should I do?

00:20:31,892 --> 00:20:35,910
We can't send in any reinforcements
and you've said it's impossible to sneak in.

00:20:36,030 --> 00:20:38,894
So, what can I do?
What can I do?

00:20:51,222 --> 00:20:53,283
After Yongsu passed away,

00:20:53,403 --> 00:20:55,540
and having gained nothing at all,

00:20:55,660 --> 00:20:58,330
do you know how much I blamed myself.

00:21:00,735 --> 00:21:02,457
As for Yongsu's death...

00:21:02,779 --> 00:21:06,922
How all ended with his death...
do you know how much I hated him for that?

00:21:10,013 --> 00:21:11,902
I won't ever let that happen again.

00:21:12,466 --> 00:21:13,947
Never again.

00:21:45,366 --> 00:21:48,887
Hey, pay close attention.

00:21:49,007 --> 00:21:52,386
That's right.
Don't let him catch you with that injury.

00:21:52,506 --> 00:21:54,765
Having that injury,
why did you come out to fight?

00:21:54,885 --> 00:21:57,019
I told you to leave and just abandon me.

00:21:57,139 --> 00:21:58,822
You little prick!

00:21:58,942 --> 00:22:01,033
Stop. That's enough.

00:22:03,245 --> 00:22:04,833
Hey, he's coming.

00:22:09,865 --> 00:22:11,432
What's going on?

00:22:12,999 --> 00:22:14,351
Lord Yushin...

00:22:15,818 --> 00:22:18,716
Nothing is going on.

00:22:18,836 --> 00:22:20,155
Did something happen?

00:22:20,575 --> 00:22:21,571

00:22:22,344 --> 00:22:25,650
Anyways, are we just going to stay here?

00:22:26,245 --> 00:22:29,336
Someone needs to go out on a reconnaissance.

00:22:30,474 --> 00:22:36,423
Shiyeol and Deokman...
the two of them look to have the most energy.

00:22:36,724 --> 00:22:40,999
Bicheon Jido will cover the southern area,
so you guys can look over the northern area.

00:22:41,119 --> 00:22:42,759
Yes, Sir.

00:22:51,740 --> 00:22:55,024
Do you share the same thoughts as Lord Archeon?

00:22:56,119 --> 00:22:57,729
It's an order.

00:22:57,849 --> 00:22:59,540
I'm not talking about orders.

00:22:59,660 --> 00:23:01,215
I'm talking about your thoughts.

00:23:01,335 --> 00:23:03,040
For a warrior in a battle,

00:23:03,662 --> 00:23:05,687
orders are his thoughts.

00:23:52,289 --> 00:23:53,599

00:24:02,127 --> 00:24:05,111
They're not moving.
Let's move on.

00:24:08,030 --> 00:24:11,824
We might be seen, so get up now!

00:24:12,210 --> 00:24:15,258
Just leave me alone.

00:24:15,945 --> 00:24:19,874
You don't like me.
You feel like killing me, right?

00:24:20,346 --> 00:24:21,999
So just abandon me and go.

00:24:23,698 --> 00:24:25,694
That's right.
I hate you!

00:24:27,969 --> 00:24:30,782
I hate the fact that I'm afraid I'll die
because of you.

00:24:30,902 --> 00:24:36,403
I hate you for making me feel like
I need to kill you in order for me to live.

00:24:37,455 --> 00:24:40,568
I hate you for validating Lord Archeon's words.

00:24:40,688 --> 00:24:43,259
You guys are pricks!

00:24:44,254 --> 00:24:47,582
Lord Archeon uses fear to motivate us.

00:24:47,702 --> 00:24:49,871
But you're the one spreading that fear in all of us.

00:24:49,991 --> 00:24:52,296
I feel like I'm going crazy.

00:24:53,112 --> 00:24:56,010
I had no idea that I was going to be like this either.

00:24:56,130 --> 00:25:00,693
I feel embarrassed, pathetic,
and looked down upon.

00:25:01,508 --> 00:25:03,526
But, I'm scared...

00:25:04,281 --> 00:25:07,315
My being scared isn't a crime, right?
From: -
To: -
Results (Indonesian) 1: [Copy]
21100:18:49,254 --> 00:18:52,516{a6}Empress Manho(King Jinpyeong's and Manmyeong's mother)21200:18:54,158 --> 00:18:56,047You didn't come alone.21300:18:56,476 --> 00:18:58,258No, Your Highness.21400:18:59,353 --> 00:19:02,938Please accept Princess Manmyeong's greeting.21500:19:20,639 --> 00:19:21,927Mother...21600:19:26,370 --> 00:19:29,375It's has been 20 years sincethe last time you saw her.21700:19:30,126 --> 00:19:32,294It's time you forgave her.21800:19:32,681 --> 00:19:35,402Just because I told her not to come...21900:19:35,522 --> 00:19:38,365But still, she is the daughterwho didn't come visit me, even once.22000:19:39,846 --> 00:19:42,486What's the point of forgiving?22100:19:43,603 --> 00:19:47,193Mother... Mother...22200:19:59,654 --> 00:20:02,208It's impossible to break through Baekje's posts.22300:20:02,328 --> 00:20:06,117They tried to sneak in but even that is very difficult.22400:20:07,139 --> 00:20:09,801{a6}Yongchun(Cheonmyeong's brother-in-law)22500:20:07,998 --> 00:20:09,887What shall we do now?22600:20:11,604 --> 00:20:12,828Yes, I understand.22700:20:13,562 --> 00:20:15,301Please go and rest.22800:20:21,591 --> 00:20:23,699Princess, why are you acting like this?22900:20:24,979 --> 00:20:28,650Are you just planning on abandoningKim Seohyeon and Yushin?23000:20:29,359 --> 00:20:31,570Then, what should I do?23100:20:31,892 --> 00:20:35,910We can't send in any reinforcementsand you've said it's impossible to sneak in.23200:20:36,030 --> 00:20:38,894So, what can I do?What can I do?23300:20:51,222 --> 00:20:53,283After Yongsu passed away,23400:20:53,403 --> 00:20:55,540and having gained nothing at all,23500:20:55,660 --> 00:20:58,330do you know how much I blamed myself.23600:21:00,735 --> 00:21:02,457As for Yongsu's death...23700:21:02,779 --> 00:21:06,922How all ended with his death...do you know how much I hated him for that?23800:21:10,013 --> 00:21:11,902I won't ever let that happen again.23900:21:12,466 --> 00:21:13,947Never again.24000:21:45,366 --> 00:21:48,887Hey, pay close attention.24100:21:49,007 --> 00:21:52,386That's right.Don't let him catch you with that injury.24200:21:52,506 --> 00:21:54,765Having that injury,why did you come out to fight?24300:21:54,885 --> 00:21:57,019I told you to leave and just abandon me.24400:21:57,139 --> 00:21:58,822You little prick!24500:21:58,942 --> 00:22:01,033Stop. That's enough.24600:22:03,245 --> 00:22:04,833Hey, he's coming.24700:22:09,865 --> 00:22:11,432What's going on?24800:22:12,999 --> 00:22:14,351Lord Yushin...24900:22:15,818 --> 00:22:18,716What...?Nothing is going on.25000:22:18,836 --> 00:22:20,155Did something happen?25100:22:20,575 --> 00:22:21,571Nope.25200:22:22,344 --> 00:22:25,650Anyways, are we just going to stay here?25300:22:26,245 --> 00:22:29,336Someone needs to go out on a reconnaissance.25400:22:30,474 --> 00:22:36,423Shiyeol and Deokman...the two of them look to have the most energy.25500:22:36,724 --> 00:22:40,999Bicheon Jido will cover the southern area,so you guys can look over the northern area.25600:22:41,119 --> 00:22:42,759Yes, Sir.25700:22:51,740 --> 00:22:55,024Do you share the same thoughts as Lord Archeon?25800:22:56,119 --> 00:22:57,729It's an order.25900:22:57,849 --> 00:22:59,540I'm not talking about orders.26000:22:59,660 --> 00:23:01,215I'm talking about your thoughts.26100:23:01,335 --> 00:23:03,040For a warrior in a battle,26200:23:03,662 --> 00:23:05,687orders are his thoughts.26300:23:52,289 --> 00:23:53,599What?What?26400:24:02,127 --> 00:24:05,111They're not moving.Let's move on.26500:24:08,030 --> 00:24:11,824We might be seen, so get up now!26600:24:12,210 --> 00:24:15,258Please!Just leave me alone.26700:24:15,945 --> 00:24:19,874You don't like me.You feel like killing me, right?26800:24:20,346 --> 00:24:21,999So just abandon me and go.26900:24:23,698 --> 00:24:25,694That's right.I hate you!27000:24:27,969 --> 00:24:30,782I hate the fact that I'm afraid I'll diebecause of you.27100:24:30,902 --> 00:24:36,403I hate you for making me feel like
I need to kill you in order for me to live.

00:24:37,455 --> 00:24:40,568
I hate you for validating Lord Archeon's words.

00:24:40,688 --> 00:24:43,259
You guys are pricks!

00:24:44,254 --> 00:24:47,582
Lord Archeon uses fear to motivate us.

00:24:47,702 --> 00:24:49,871
But you're the one spreading that fear in all of us.

00:24:49,991 --> 00:24:52,296
I feel like I'm going crazy.

00:24:53,112 --> 00:24:56,010
I had no idea that I was going to be like this either.

00:24:56,130 --> 00:25:00,693
I feel embarrassed, pathetic,
and looked down upon.

00:25:01,508 --> 00:25:03,526
But, I'm scared...

00:25:04,281 --> 00:25:07,315
My being scared isn't a crime, right?
Being translated, please wait..
Results (Indonesian) 2:[Copy]
00: 18: 49.254 -> 00: 18: 52.516 { A6} Empress Manho (Raja dan ibu Manmyeong ini) 212 00: 18: 54.158 -> 00: 18: 56.047. Anda tidak datang sendiri 213 00 : 18: 56.476 -> 00: 18: 58.258 Tidak, Yang Mulia. 214 00: 18: 59.353 -> 00: 19: 02.938 Terimalah Princess Manmyeong salam. 215 00: 19: 20.639 -> 00:19: 21.927 Ibu ... 216 00: 19: 26.370 -> 00: 19: 29.375 Ini telah menjadi 20 tahun sejak terakhir kali Anda melihatnya. 217 00: 19: 30.126 -> 00: 19: 32.294 Ini saatnya Anda memaafkan . nya 218 00: 19: 32.681 -> 00: 19: 35.402 Hanya karena aku bilang tidak datang ... 219 00: 19: 35.522 -> 00: 19: 38.365 Tapi tetap, dia adalah putri yang didn 't datang mengunjungi saya, bahkan sekali. 220 00: 19: 39.846 -> 00: 19: 42.486 Apa gunanya pemaaf? 221 00: 19: 43.603 -> 00: 19: 47.193 Ibu ... Ibu .. . 222 00: 19: 59.654 -> 00: 20: 02.208 Ini tidak mungkin untuk menerobos posting Baekje. 223 00: 20: 02.328 -> 00: 20: 06.117. Mereka mencoba untuk menyelinap di tapi bahkan yang sangat sulit 224 00: 20: 07.139 -> 00: 20: 09.801 { A6} Yongchun (Cheonmyeong saudara ipar) 225 00: 20: 07.998 -> 00: 20: 09.887? Apa yang harus kita lakukan sekarang 226 00:20 : 11604 -> 00: 20: 12.828 Ya, saya mengerti. 227 00: 20: 13.562 -> 00: 20: 15.301 Silakan pergi dan beristirahat. 228 00: 20: 21.591 -> 00: 20: 23.699 Princess, kenapa kau bertindak seperti ini? 229 00: 20: 24.979 -> 00: 20: 28.650 Apakah Anda hanya berencana meninggalkan Kim Seohyeon dan Yushin? 230 00: 20: 29.359 -> 00: 20: 31.570 Lalu, apa yang harus Saya lakukan? 231 00: 20: 31.892 -> 00: 20: 35.910 Kami tidak dapat mengirim dalam setiap bala bantuan dan Anda telah mengatakan tidak mungkin untuk menyelinap di. 232 00: 20: 36.030 -> 00: 20: 38.894 Jadi, apa yang bisa saya lakukan? Apa yang bisa saya lakukan? 233 00: 20: 51.222 -> 00: 20: 53.283 Setelah Yongsu meninggal, 234 00: 20: 53.403 -> 00: 20: 55.540 dan setelah mendapatkan apa-apa di semua, 235 00: 20: 55.660 -> 00: 20: 58.330 kau tahu betapa aku menyalahkan diriku sendiri. 236 00: 21: 00.735 -> 00: 21: 02.457 Adapun kematian Yongsu ini ... 237 00:21 : 02779 -> 00: 21: 06.922 Bagaimana semua berakhir dengan kematiannya ... kau tahu betapa aku membencinya untuk itu? 238 00: 21: 10.013 -> 00: 21: 11.902 Saya tidak akan pernah membiarkan itu terjadi lagi. 239 00: 21: 12.466 -> 00: 21: 13.947 pernah lagi. 240 00: 21: 45.366 -> 00: 21: 48.887 Hei, perhatikan dekat. 241 00: 21: 49.007 -> 00: 21: 52.386 Itu benar. Jangan biarkan dia menangkap Anda dengan cedera itu. 242 00: 21: 52.506 -> 00: 21: 54.765 Setelah cedera itu,? kenapa Anda keluar untuk melawan 243 00:21: 54.885 -> 00: 21: 57.019 Saya mengatakan kepada Anda untuk meninggalkan dan hanya meninggalkan aku. 244 00: 21: 57.139 -> 00: 21: 58.822 Anda bajingan kecil! 245 00: 21: 58.942 -> 00:22: 01.033 Stop. Itu cukup. 246 00: 22: 03.245 -> 00: 22: 04.833 Hei, dia datang. 247 00: 22: 09.865 -> 00: 22: 11.432 Apa yang terjadi? 248 00: 22: 12.999 -> 00 : 22: 14.351 Tuhan Yushin ... 249 00: 22: 15.818 -> 00: 22: 18.716 Apa ...? Tidak ada yang terjadi. 250 00: 22: 18.836 -> 00: 22: 20.155 Apa sesuatu terjadi ? 251 00: 22: 20.575 -> 00: 22: 21.571 Tidak. 252 00: 22: 22.344 -> 00: 22: 25.650 Anyways, kita hanya akan tinggal di sini? 253 00: 22: 26.245 -> 00: 22: 29.336. Seseorang perlu untuk pergi keluar pada pengintaian 254 00: 22: 30.474 -> 00: 22: 36.423 Shiyeol dan Deokman .... dua dari mereka terlihat memiliki energi paling 255 00:22: 36.724 -> 00: 22: 40.999 Bicheon Jido akan mencakup wilayah selatan, sehingga kalian dapat melihat atas wilayah utara. 256 00: 22: 41.119 -> 00: 22: 42.759. Ya, Sir 257 00:22: 51.740 -> 00: 22: 55.024 Apakah Anda berbagi pengalaman yang sama seperti Tuhan Archeon? 258 00: 22: 56.119 -> 00: 22: 57.729 Ini perintah. 259 00: 22: 57.849 -> 00:22: 59.540 Saya tidak berbicara tentang perintah. 260 00: 22: 59.660 -> 00: 23: 01.215 Saya sedang berbicara tentang pengalaman anda. 261 00: 23: 01.335 -> 00: 23: 03.040 Untuk prajurit dalam pertempuran, 262 00: 23: 03.662 -> 00: 23: 05.687 order pikirannya. 263 00: 23: 52.289 -> 00: 23: 53.599 Apa? Apa? 264 00: 24: 02.127 -> 00: 24: 05.111 Mereka tidak bergerak. Mari kita lanjutkan. 265 00: 24: 08.030 -> 00: 24: 11.824 Kita mungkin dilihat, jadi bangun sekarang! 266 00: 24: 12.210 -> 00:24: 15.258! Silahkan Tinggalkan aku sendiri. 267 00: 24: 15.945 -> 00: 24: 19.874 Anda tidak menyukai saya. Anda merasa seperti membunuh saya, kan? 268 00: 24: 20.346 -> 00:24: 21.999 Jadi hanya meninggalkan saya dan pergi. 269 00: 24: 23.698 -> 00: 24: 25.694 Itu benar. Aku benci kamu! 270 00: 24: 27.969 -> 00: 24: 30.782 Saya benci kenyataan bahwa saya m takut aku akan mati karena Anda. 271 00: 24: 30.902 -> 00: 24: 36.403 Aku benci kamu untuk membuat saya merasa seperti. Saya perlu untuk membunuh Anda dalam rangka bagi saya untuk hidup 272 00: 24: 37.455 -> 00: 24: 40.568 Aku benci Anda untuk memvalidasi kata-kata Tuhan Archeon ini. 273 00: 24: 40.688 -> 00: 24: 43.259 Kalian menusuk! 274 00: 24: 44.254 -> 00: 24: 47.582 Tuhan Archeon menggunakan rasa takut untuk memotivasi kami. 275 00: 24: 47.702 -> 00: 24: 49.871 Tapi kaulah menyebarkan ketakutan yang dalam diri kita semua. 276 00: 24: 49.991 -> 00: 24: 52.296 Aku merasa seperti aku akan gila. 277 00: 24: 53.112 -> 00: 24: 56.010 Saya tidak tahu bahwa saya akan menjadi seperti ini baik. 278 00: 24: 56.130 -> 00:25: 00.693 Saya merasa malu, menyedihkan, dan dipandang rendah. 279 00: 25: 01.508 -> 00: 25: 03.526 Tapi, aku takut ... 280 00: 25: 04.281 -> 00: 25: 07.315 Saya yang takut bukan merupakan tindak pidana, kan?

Being translated, please wait..
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