The Strand Four Team revised the Employability Knowledge and Skills that all students need to acquire. Teams considered current research on career readiness, including the work of the College Career Readiness Task Force convened by the Department, changes in workplace, technological changes that impact how people perform their work (i.e., communications methods), and included standards that emphasize the need for lifelong learning and adaptability given the multiple career changes over and an individual’s working life. The team recommended this strand be renamed to: Career Readiness.
The Strand Five Team revised the Management & Entrepreneurship Knowledge and Skills that all students need to acquire. All business owners and employees must possess management and financial skills to be productive members of society. Skills included financial knowledge and basic business management skills.
All Strand One, Four and Five Project Teams worked collaboratively with staff from the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and the Advisors of the Massachusetts Career and Technical Student Organizations to crosswalk standards to national Career & Technical Student Organizations Curricula, as applicable.
The Office for Career/Vocational Technical Education contracted the MAVA Consultant Team to work closely with the office to complete all of the work accomplished during Phase II of the Project.
A remarkable amount of work was accomplished through the efforts of hundreds of professionals who collaborated and diligently supported this work. The Office for Career/Vocational Technical Education is grateful for all the support received from the field, particularly all of the teachers (technical and academic), administrators, advisory committee members, business and industry representatives, the Division of Professional Licensure - boards, the Massachusetts Association of Vocational Administrators, the MAVA Consultants, and the Massachusetts Vocational Association, whose contributions were tremendous.
Special thanks to all staff in the Office for Career/Vocational Technical Education and the CVTE Framework Revision Team who provided guidance and numerous contributions during Phase One of the project.