Directions for future researchThe suggested focus on vigor is in tune  translation - Directions for future researchThe suggested focus on vigor is in tune  Indonesian how to say

Directions for future researchThe s

Directions for future research
The suggested focus on vigor is in tune with the new development of the field of positive psychology (Seligman et al., 2005) and the emergence of positive organizational behavior (Luthans, 2002). Vigorous feelings at work possibly allow employees to effectively cope with work-related demands, and more importantly are likely to have a positive impact on their well-being. Researchers’ future efforts to increase our understanding of the antecedents and etiology of vigor at work may be aided by the conceptual framework of vigor described in this chapter. This conceptual framework integrates past disparate efforts and allows researchers to pose new research questions and offer new theoretical interpretations. From the review of past attempts to assess vigor, primarily as a mood state, it appears that this core affect tends to promote goal-directed behavior likely to increase individuals’ personal resources. Hobfoll (2002) hypothesized that such increases in individuals’ pool of personal resources may initiate an upward spiral toward further increases in these individuals’ personal resources. Fredrickson and Joiner (2002) found that
positive emotions broaden the scopes of attention and cognition and, by consequence, initiate upward spirals toward increasing emotional wellbeing. The augmented personal resources can be drawn on to cope with any work-related demand that may arise in one’s job. In work organizations, employee vigor should promote skill building and learning, prosocial behaviors, and organizational commitment, among other important aspects of organizational effectiveness. The study of vigor at work may offer new insights into the process of goal-directed behaviors, or the process by which employees initiate, regulate and maintain over time and over changing circumstances their task-related behaviors. DeSchon and Gillepsie (2005) proposed that goaldirected behaviors be viewed as specific manifestations of self-regulation efforts. Individuals self-regulate their behaviors to a considerable extent based on their feeling states, as documented above. One way of assessing the validity of the proposition that views vigor as a prerequisite of goaldirected behavior is to examine these relationships over time. Such a longitudinal study may also test the propositions that elevations in vigor lead to a positive spiral of resource augmentation and to more effective coping with work-related demands. There are several open questions awaiting empirical clarification with regard to using vigor in actual research. Are there individual differences in the ability to ‘intelligently’ use vigor as a means of guiding and maintaining one’s behavior? Feelings provide meaning to work-related employee experiences. In line with recent thinking on emotional intelligence, the ability to identify and regulate feelings and use the information provided by feelings are considered important for adaptive social behavior (Salovey et al., 2000). If such differences are found to exist, do they reflect differences in the above skills, and can these skills be learnt (Salovey et al., 2000)? Emotional intelligence represents just one, albeit important, possible modulator of vigor’s relationship with behavioral responses. Another open question has to do with the effects of vigorous feelings at work on organizations. In this chapter, the emphasis has been on job and work characteristics conducive to employee vigor, and on the influence of employee vigor on job performance. However, how does employee vigor affect the organization as a whole? Are there vigorous organizations and, if so, what are their inherent characteristics? Vigorous organizations could be regarded as organizations whose managerial apex effectively create the conditions that generate, foster and maintain employee vigor throughout the organization and mobilize these energetic resources in the pursuit of organizational effectiveness. Based on emotional and cognitive contagion processes (Barsade, 2002), organizational vigor probably reflects the synergistic accumulation of individual employees’ level of vigor. Vigorous organizations could be expected to be highly innovative, proactively adjust to environmental changes, and otherwise distinguish themselves in their product and labor markets (Bruch and Ghoshal, 2003; Cross et al., 2003). The emphasis throughout this chapter has been on vigor at work. However, vigor may be experienced in and outside of work. That is, it may be experienced as an affective response to events and situations that individuals encounter outside of work. It is possible that vigor felt at work spills over to the family and other life domains and vice versa. These are open questions that need to be addressed in future research. The same is true regarding the possible reciprocal relations between vigor and job performance or proactive behavior in organizations. Vigor represents an affect experienced at work. While available research on vigor at work is in its infancy, existing research on vigor as a mood state would suggest that it is strongly related to individuals’ well-being and health. The link proposed above between vigor and physical health, indirectly supported by the body of studies that have examined positive affect–physical health relationships, indicates that additional research on vigor at work may provide an understanding of possible pathways by which organizations can reduce absenteeism and health care costs. Therefore, there exists a need for future research on vigor at work.

I would like to acknowledge the financial support of the Israel Science
Foundation (Grant 926/02-1).
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Results (Indonesian) 1: [Copy]
Directions for future researchThe suggested focus on vigor is in tune with the new development of the field of positive psychology (Seligman et al., 2005) and the emergence of positive organizational behavior (Luthans, 2002). Vigorous feelings at work possibly allow employees to effectively cope with work-related demands, and more importantly are likely to have a positive impact on their well-being. Researchers’ future efforts to increase our understanding of the antecedents and etiology of vigor at work may be aided by the conceptual framework of vigor described in this chapter. This conceptual framework integrates past disparate efforts and allows researchers to pose new research questions and offer new theoretical interpretations. From the review of past attempts to assess vigor, primarily as a mood state, it appears that this core affect tends to promote goal-directed behavior likely to increase individuals’ personal resources. Hobfoll (2002) hypothesized that such increases in individuals’ pool of personal resources may initiate an upward spiral toward further increases in these individuals’ personal resources. Fredrickson and Joiner (2002) found thatpositive emotions broaden the scopes of attention and cognition and, by consequence, initiate upward spirals toward increasing emotional wellbeing. The augmented personal resources can be drawn on to cope with any work-related demand that may arise in one’s job. In work organizations, employee vigor should promote skill building and learning, prosocial behaviors, and organizational commitment, among other important aspects of organizational effectiveness. The study of vigor at work may offer new insights into the process of goal-directed behaviors, or the process by which employees initiate, regulate and maintain over time and over changing circumstances their task-related behaviors. DeSchon and Gillepsie (2005) proposed that goaldirected behaviors be viewed as specific manifestations of self-regulation efforts. Individuals self-regulate their behaviors to a considerable extent based on their feeling states, as documented above. One way of assessing the validity of the proposition that views vigor as a prerequisite of goaldirected behavior is to examine these relationships over time. Such a longitudinal study may also test the propositions that elevations in vigor lead to a positive spiral of resource augmentation and to more effective coping with work-related demands. There are several open questions awaiting empirical clarification with regard to using vigor in actual research. Are there individual differences in the ability to ‘intelligently’ use vigor as a means of guiding and maintaining one’s behavior? Feelings provide meaning to work-related employee experiences. In line with recent thinking on emotional intelligence, the ability to identify and regulate feelings and use the information provided by feelings are considered important for adaptive social behavior (Salovey et al., 2000). If such differences are found to exist, do they reflect differences in the above skills, and can these skills be learnt (Salovey et al., 2000)? Emotional intelligence represents just one, albeit important, possible modulator of vigor’s relationship with behavioral responses. Another open question has to do with the effects of vigorous feelings at work on organizations. In this chapter, the emphasis has been on job and work characteristics conducive to employee vigor, and on the influence of employee vigor on job performance. However, how does employee vigor affect the organization as a whole? Are there vigorous organizations and, if so, what are their inherent characteristics? Vigorous organizations could be regarded as organizations whose managerial apex effectively create the conditions that generate, foster and maintain employee vigor throughout the organization and mobilize these energetic resources in the pursuit of organizational effectiveness. Based on emotional and cognitive contagion processes (Barsade, 2002), organizational vigor probably reflects the synergistic accumulation of individual employees’ level of vigor. Vigorous organizations could be expected to be highly innovative, proactively adjust to environmental changes, and otherwise distinguish themselves in their product and labor markets (Bruch and Ghoshal, 2003; Cross et al., 2003). The emphasis throughout this chapter has been on vigor at work. However, vigor may be experienced in and outside of work. That is, it may be experienced as an affective response to events and situations that individuals encounter outside of work. It is possible that vigor felt at work spills over to the family and other life domains and vice versa. These are open questions that need to be addressed in future research. The same is true regarding the possible reciprocal relations between vigor and job performance or proactive behavior in organizations. Vigor represents an affect experienced at work. While available research on vigor at work is in its infancy, existing research on vigor as a mood state would suggest that it is strongly related to individuals’ well-being and health. The link proposed above between vigor and physical health, indirectly supported by the body of studies that have examined positive affect–physical health relationships, indicates that additional research on vigor at work may provide an understanding of possible pathways by which organizations can reduce absenteeism and health care costs. Therefore, there exists a need for future research on vigor at work. AcknowledgmentI would like to acknowledge the financial support of the Israel ScienceFoundation (Grant 926/02-1).Note1. The full scale is also available for downloading in Word format at:
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Results (Indonesian) 2:[Copy]
Arah untuk masa depan penelitian
disarankan Fokusnya pada semangat selaras dengan perkembangan baru dari bidang psikologi positif (Seligman et al., 2005) dan munculnya perilaku organisasi positif (Luthans, 2002). Perasaan yang kuat di tempat kerja mungkin memungkinkan karyawan untuk secara efektif mengatasi tuntutan yang berhubungan dengan pekerjaan, dan yang lebih penting cenderung memiliki dampak positif pada kesejahteraan mereka. Upaya masa depan peneliti untuk meningkatkan pemahaman kita tentang anteseden dan etiologi semangat di tempat kerja dapat dibantu oleh kerangka konseptual semangat dijelaskan dalam bab ini. Kerangka konseptual ini mengintegrasikan upaya yang berbeda masa lalu dan memungkinkan peneliti untuk mengajukan pertanyaan penelitian baru dan menawarkan interpretasi teoritis baru. Dari review masa lalu mencoba untuk menilai kekuatan, terutama sebagai negara suasana hati, tampak bahwa inti ini mempengaruhi cenderung untuk mempromosikan perilaku yang diarahkan pada tujuan cenderung meningkat sumber daya pribadi individu. Hobfoll (2002) hipotesis bahwa kenaikan tersebut pada individu 'pool sumber daya pribadi dapat memulai sebuah spiral ke atas menuju kenaikan lebih lanjut pada individu-individu' sumber daya pribadi. Fredrickson dan Joiner (2002) menemukan bahwa
emosi positif memperluas lingkup perhatian dan kognisi dan, oleh konsekuensi, memulai spiral ke atas ke arah peningkatan kesejahteraan emosional. Sumber pribadi ditambah dapat ditarik untuk menghadapi setiap permintaan yang berhubungan dengan pekerjaan yang mungkin timbul dalam pekerjaan seseorang. Dalam organisasi kerja, semangat karyawan harus mempromosikan pembangunan keterampilan dan pembelajaran, perilaku prososial, dan komitmen organisasi, antara aspek penting lain dari efektivitas organisasi. Studi tentang semangat di tempat kerja mungkin menawarkan wawasan baru ke dalam proses perilaku yang diarahkan pada tujuan, atau proses dimana karyawan memulai, mengatur dan menjaga dari waktu ke waktu dan lebih mengubah keadaan perilaku-tugas yang berhubungan mereka. DeSchon dan Gillepsie (2005) mengusulkan bahwa perilaku goaldirected dipandang sebagai manifestasi spesifik upaya pengaturan diri. Individu mengatur diri perilaku mereka hingga batas tertentu berdasarkan negara perasaan mereka, seperti yang didokumentasikan di atas. Salah satu cara untuk menilai validitas proposisi yang memandang kekuatan sebagai prasyarat perilaku goaldirected adalah untuk menguji hubungan ini dari waktu ke waktu. Studi longitudinal tersebut juga dapat menguji proposisi bahwa peningkatan dalam kekuatan menyebabkan spiral positif augmentasi sumber daya dan untuk lebih efektif mengatasi tuntutan kerja. Ada beberapa pertanyaan terbuka menunggu klarifikasi empiris berkaitan dengan menggunakan kekuatan dalam penelitian yang sebenarnya. Apakah ada perbedaan individu dalam kemampuan untuk 'cerdas' menggunakan kekuatan sebagai alat membimbing dan mempertahankan perilaku seseorang? Perasaan menyediakan berarti pengalaman karyawan untuk bekerja-terkait. Sejalan dengan pemikiran baru pada kecerdasan emosional, kemampuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan mengatur perasaan dan menggunakan informasi yang diberikan oleh perasaan dianggap penting untuk perilaku sosial adaptif (Salovey et al., 2000). Jika perbedaan tersebut ditemukan ada, apakah mereka mencerminkan perbedaan dalam keterampilan di atas, dan dapat keterampilan ini dipelajari (Salovey et al., 2000)? Kecerdasan emosional hanya mewakili satu, meskipun penting, mungkin modulator hubungan semangat dengan respon perilaku. Pertanyaan lain yang terbuka berkaitan dengan efek perasaan yang kuat di tempat kerja pada organisasi. Dalam bab ini, penekanan telah pada pekerjaan dan bekerja karakteristik kondusif untuk semangat karyawan, dan pengaruh semangat kerja karyawan terhadap prestasi kerja. Namun, bagaimana semangat karyawan mempengaruhi organisasi secara keseluruhan? Adalah organisasi ada yang kuat dan, jika demikian, apa yang karakteristik yang melekat mereka? Organisasi yang kuat dapat dianggap sebagai organisasi yang puncak manajerial secara efektif menciptakan kondisi yang menghasilkan, angkat dan mempertahankan kekuatan karyawan di seluruh organisasi dan memobilisasi sumber daya energik dalam mengejar efektivitas organisasi. Berdasarkan emosional dan kognitif proses penularan (Barsade, 2002), kekuatan organisasi mungkin mencerminkan akumulasi sinergis dari tingkat individu karyawan 'semangat. Organisasi yang kuat bisa diharapkan untuk menjadi sangat inovatif, proaktif menyesuaikan diri dengan perubahan lingkungan, dan sebaliknya membedakan diri dalam produk dan pasar tenaga kerja mereka (Bruch dan Ghoshal, 2003; Cross dkk, 2003.). Penekanan seluruh bab ini telah di kekuatan di tempat kerja. Namun, semangat mungkin dialami dalam dan di luar pekerjaan. Artinya, mungkin dialami sebagai respon afektif terhadap peristiwa dan situasi yang individu menghadapi luar pekerjaan. Ada kemungkinan bahwa semangat merasa di tumpahan kerja ke keluarga dan domain kehidupan lainnya dan sebaliknya. Ini adalah pertanyaan terbuka yang perlu ditangani dalam penelitian masa depan. Hal yang sama berlaku mengenai hubungan timbal balik yang mungkin antara semangat dan prestasi kerja atau perilaku proaktif dalam organisasi. Vigor merupakan mempengaruhi dialami di tempat kerja. Sedangkan penelitian yang tersedia di semangat di tempat kerja adalah dalam masa pertumbuhan, penelitian tentang kekuatan yang ada sebagai negara suasana hati akan menyarankan bahwa itu sangat terkait dengan individu kesejahteraan dan kesehatan. Link yang diusulkan di atas antara kekuatan dan kesehatan fisik, secara tidak langsung didukung oleh tubuh studi yang telah meneliti hubungan kesehatan mempengaruhi fisik positif, menunjukkan bahwa penelitian tambahan pada semangat di tempat kerja dapat memberikan pemahaman tentang jalur mungkin dengan mana organisasi dapat mengurangi ketidakhadiran dan kesehatan peduli biaya. Oleh karena itu, ada kebutuhan untuk penelitian di masa depan kekuatan di tempat kerja. Pengakuan Saya ingin mengakui dukungan keuangan dari Israel Ilmu Foundation (Hibah 926 / 02-1). Catatan 1. Skala penuh juga tersedia untuk di-download dalam format Word di: http: //

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