Marketing higher education: The MBA experience
Nicholls, John; Harris, John; Morgan, Eleanorดูแฟ้มประวัติ; Clarke, Kenดูแฟ้มประวัติ; Sims, David. The International Journal of Educational Management9.2 (1995): 31.
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Given the increasing competition in higher education, including that on MBA degrees, it is surprising that more attention has not been paid to marketing issues, such as whether educational institutions are really customer-oriented, if they choose the most appropriate market segments, and the complexities of the decision processes of the buyers. General issues facing educational marketers are examined. The marketing of MBA degrees is examined in the light of theory, of previous survey data, and of evidence arising from their collective experience. It is concluded that, whether the customer is an individual student or a company, a greater understanding of buyer behavior is needed; business schools should improve their marketing or stand accused of not practicing what they preach.