But at this time, Wenlong suddenly said: „We must go back, the dying cold ice did not fear that must come out, late could not get away again.”
Hears Wenlong's words suddenly, many people feel disappointed.
Goes back to mean this time finally the trial end.
Comes trial these months of even though to be short finally, but the people felt that experienced has slaughtered innumerably, as if for several years was like that long, finally finally, their completions were very low, must leave, many people thought looking distracted.
However remains, was impractical, the match of their possibly dying cold ice, did not turn around in some people, prepares leaves in light of this, together chilly sound suddenly resounds, appears especially clear in the cold wind
„, Please wait”
The people are startled slightly, under the footsteps, turn the head look like, sees only black clothed Lin Ming to stand in them behind not far away, his side is also standing same black clothed Xiao Moxian.
The words, were Lin Ming say.
„what issue?”
People strange looks to Lin Ming, did not understand that Lin Ming is what blocks them.
Lin Ming, start to talk leisurely said slightly: „The dying cold ice perhaps not necessarily cannot try a war.”
Slow and tranquil words, in cold wind, actually trembling will of the people!
Listened to the Lin Ming words, Martial Artist on the scene has tarried, they look at each other in blank diamay.
Not the dead roaring flame cannot kill, this is based on Sheng Mei cultivation technique restraint not dead roaring flame, in this case, do they also follow the dying cold ice not to hit?
„Lin Ming your this is not cracks a joke, the dying cold ice did not fear that follows not the dead roaring flame strength to be similar, is the attribute is different, we can only count on after the soul , the empress gets rid, after the soul, what the empress practices is the ice is cultivation technique, cracks as a result of freezing the heat rock together is not difficult, but wants an ice lump to crack as a result of freezing, that is almost impossible.”
Some Martial Artist knit the brows saying that felt Lin Ming is mischievous.
„Was getting more and more cold, here rubbish, we hurry fourth, otherwise waits for the dying cold ice not to come out, perhaps wants to walk cannot get away.”
Saw that the surrounding cold air starts to permeate Inner World, trial has flustered, not dying cold ice, once attacks them, that did not joke.