Results (
Thai) 1:
We classified the results into one or more of the components identified in the definition of healthliteracy. Our findings were as follows:• Access: All of the interventions tried to disseminate knowledge/ information on a certaintopic by using multiple channels and techniques.• UnderstandOnly one study was identified that attempted to measure mental health literacy using theMental Health literacy Questionnaire (MHLQ). Besides the questionnaire, two vignettes wereused in supporting the data collection process; the vignettes enhanced participants ability torelate to the mental health issues being measured.• AppraiseWomen who participated in the Arab Women Speak Out (AWSO) Initiative training, ascompared to a control group, were more likely to know where and how to access information,expressed higher levels of self efficacy to participate in economic opportunities, engage inentrepreneurship and activities that enhanced community welfare.• CommunicateA study in Jordan called “Religious Leaders Lead the Way” succeeded in increasing the numberand frequency of religious leaders who speak publicly about family planning reproductivehealth and gender equity. Both female and male religious leaders underwent extensiveempowerment training that included attending workshops and discussion groups to improvetheir knowledge, and public communication skills. Results indicated that advocacy for familyplanning by religious leaders increased from 36% in 1997 to over 60 % in 2001.
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