Questions and HypothesesThis study investigated the following research translation - Questions and HypothesesThis study investigated the following research Indonesian how to say

Questions and HypothesesThis study

Questions and Hypotheses
This study investigated the following research questions. Note that the first question should be considered the primary question for the study. The other questions were constructed to provide additional information.
Research question 1: What impact does the use of active, student-centered POGIL have on secondary chemistry students’ alternate conceptions in physical and chemical changes in matter related to particle theory in chemistry education when compared with traditional teacher-centered, lecture-style chemistry pedagogy?
Research question 2: Is the read ifference in the achievement between male and female students taught using POGIL methods and materials to teach physical and chemical changes in matter related to particle theory in secondary chemistry when compared with traditional teacher centered, lecture style chemistry pedagogy?
Research question 3: Is the read ifference in the achievement for minority students taught using POGIL methods and materials to teach physical and chemical changes in matter related to particle theory in secondary chemistry when compared with traditional teacher-centered, lecturestyle chemistry pedagogy?
Similar to findings at the college level, secondary students who were taught in POGIL classrooms performed better on chemistry assessments than their peers who were taught using traditional pedagogy in this study. Several studies report an upward shift in student test scores corresponding to one letter grade for students taught using POGIL instead of traditional pedagogy in college chemistry courses (P. Brown, 2010a; S. Brown, 2010b; Farrell et al., 1999; Rudder & Hunnicutt, 2008). The similarities in those studies to this present study are presented in the following paragraphs. Farrell et al. (1999) reported their study of undergraduate chemistry achievement at Franklin and Marshall College.They compared the grade searned by undergraduate students in general chemistry taught using POGIL pedagogy (fall 1994–spring 1997) to students enrolled in previous years (fall 1990 spring 1994) who were taught using traditional pedagogy.The instructors remained constant throughout the study. During this time period, the percentage of students earning scores of D, W, and F decreased, while the percentage of students who completed the course with grades of A or B increased in response to POGIL. These findings are similar to the current study. Students taught using POGIL methods are more successful than students taught using traditional lecture pedagogy. Hinde and Kovac (2001) applied POGIL strategies in physical chemistry course satalar geregional university. They found, as does this study, that students learned the material “more thoroughly” (p. 93).
P. Brown (2010a) utilized POGIL methods to teach an undergraduate anatomy and physiology course at a small liberal arts college. He reported an increase in students’ scores on chapter exams, the comprehensive final and over all course grades. Three semester safter implementing POGIL,theme an course average rose 23%. The results of This present study are less dramatic butare consistent with the positive findings reported by P. Brown. Of particular interestis that P. Brown describes the institution where his study was conducted as a diverse student population. Like the secondary school study presented here, he reported achievement gains for students of all races.
The result of this present study of secondary chemistry achievement reveals results similar to the college studies mentioned in which greater achievement is observed for all students, regardless of gender or race, when POGIL instruction replaces the traditional lecture format. It is interesting to note that all races, regardless of group, posted higher posttest scores, but some were only slightly higher. His panic and Caucasian students show edvery little gain in the traditional group, while all races showed greater gains in the POGIL group.
All students, regardless of race, posted gains in the POGIL group. that were greater than the traditional group, even though they were not statistically significant at the p < .05 level. Of particular interest is the gain posted by the African-American group. The African American students, when compared with the other races, recorded the highest mean in both the traditional and POGIL groups, compared with the pretest estimated covariate model of 11.62. African American students in the POGIL group posted the highest posttest estimated marginal mean. This finding indicates that POGIL could provide a conduit for addressing the racial achievement gap.
The mean score for all students in the POGIL group for this study was 14.8% higher than the post test mean for the traditional group. This increase equates to approximately one letter grade high erfor the POGIL group than the grade earned by the traditional group students, which is in agreement with the college studies mentioned. Cooperative learning, models, and guided inquiry. POGIL is based on cooperative learning strategies. This
Study found, as many other studies of cooperative learning have found (Bilgin & Geban, 2006; Köse, S¸ahin,Ergun,& Gezer, 2010), that this particular cooperative learning approach had a more positive impact on student achievement than did a traditional lecture approach.The extent to which the cooperative learning aspect of POGIL was responsible for student gain is difficult to determine. Cooperative learning is an integral aspect of POGIL pedagogy, as is the use of models to reduce the abstract nature of the topics and guided inquiry to stimulate high order thinking. The strength of the POGIL approach is that it incorporates all of these critical components, cooperative learning,guidedinquiry,andtheuseofmodels,tosupport student learning. Students in the POGIL cooperative learning groups worked as a team to learn chemistry. Communication among the members of the team was an integral part of every lesson. By working as a team, students grew in their abilities to manage their time and interactions with each other in order to optimize learning. Each group knew that the teacher would soon be calling on their group to summarize their findings. Students were internally motivated to self-assess and check their understandings of the topics being studied during the lesson in order to be prepared to provide an accurate summary of their group’s work.With each member of the POGIL group assigned a role, students were accountable to each other and grew in their ability to function as an important member of a team. Implications
In light of the finding soft his study, POGIL may be seen As an effective method for teaching concepts related to the PNM and was shown to reduce the impact of alternative conceptions held by secondary chemistry students. The mean score on the ParNoMa2 for all students in the POGIL group was1 4.8% higher than the post test mean for the traditional group. This increase equates to approximately one letter grade higher for the POGIL group than the grade earned by the traditional group students, which Is in agreement with thecolle gestudies. All students, male and female, benefited from POGIL methods.
POGIL methods were effective in reducing the achievement gap between racial subgroups. In stark contrast to most studies of academic achievement, POGIL provided the same, or greater, achievement gain for African American and Hispanic students, as were seen in Cauca sian and Asian students. It is important to note that all alternate conceptions held by secondary students in this study were not eradicated. Like other alternative conceptions studies, this present study found alternative conceptions resistant to change, but progress was made. Further studies are needed to determine whether students taught in POGIL environments in high school are more successful in college chemistry than students who were taught high school chemistry by the traditional method. Several studies (Schwartz, 2009; Schwartz et al., 2008; Tai et al., 2006) indicate that students taught using POGIL should perform better in college chemistry, but studies are needed to determine if POGIL does provide a Superior foundation forfuture chemistry studies. Forthes reasons, POGIL offer same thod for teaching chemistr to students that helps reduce alternative conceptions
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Results (Indonesian) 1: [Copy]
Questions and Hypotheses
This study investigated the following research questions. Note that the first question should be considered the primary question for the study. The other questions were constructed to provide additional information.
Research question 1: What impact does the use of active, student-centered POGIL have on secondary chemistry students’ alternate conceptions in physical and chemical changes in matter related to particle theory in chemistry education when compared with traditional teacher-centered, lecture-style chemistry pedagogy?
Research question 2: Is the read ifference in the achievement between male and female students taught using POGIL methods and materials to teach physical and chemical changes in matter related to particle theory in secondary chemistry when compared with traditional teacher centered, lecture style chemistry pedagogy?
Research question 3: Is the read ifference in the achievement for minority students taught using POGIL methods and materials to teach physical and chemical changes in matter related to particle theory in secondary chemistry when compared with traditional teacher-centered, lecturestyle chemistry pedagogy?
Similar to findings at the college level, secondary students who were taught in POGIL classrooms performed better on chemistry assessments than their peers who were taught using traditional pedagogy in this study. Several studies report an upward shift in student test scores corresponding to one letter grade for students taught using POGIL instead of traditional pedagogy in college chemistry courses (P. Brown, 2010a; S. Brown, 2010b; Farrell et al., 1999; Rudder & Hunnicutt, 2008). The similarities in those studies to this present study are presented in the following paragraphs. Farrell et al. (1999) reported their study of undergraduate chemistry achievement at Franklin and Marshall College.They compared the grade searned by undergraduate students in general chemistry taught using POGIL pedagogy (fall 1994–spring 1997) to students enrolled in previous years (fall 1990 spring 1994) who were taught using traditional pedagogy.The instructors remained constant throughout the study. During this time period, the percentage of students earning scores of D, W, and F decreased, while the percentage of students who completed the course with grades of A or B increased in response to POGIL. These findings are similar to the current study. Students taught using POGIL methods are more successful than students taught using traditional lecture pedagogy. Hinde and Kovac (2001) applied POGIL strategies in physical chemistry course satalar geregional university. They found, as does this study, that students learned the material “more thoroughly” (p. 93).
P. Brown (2010a) utilized POGIL methods to teach an undergraduate anatomy and physiology course at a small liberal arts college. He reported an increase in students’ scores on chapter exams, the comprehensive final and over all course grades. Three semester safter implementing POGIL,theme an course average rose 23%. The results of This present study are less dramatic butare consistent with the positive findings reported by P. Brown. Of particular interestis that P. Brown describes the institution where his study was conducted as a diverse student population. Like the secondary school study presented here, he reported achievement gains for students of all races.
The result of this present study of secondary chemistry achievement reveals results similar to the college studies mentioned in which greater achievement is observed for all students, regardless of gender or race, when POGIL instruction replaces the traditional lecture format. It is interesting to note that all races, regardless of group, posted higher posttest scores, but some were only slightly higher. His panic and Caucasian students show edvery little gain in the traditional group, while all races showed greater gains in the POGIL group.
All students, regardless of race, posted gains in the POGIL group. that were greater than the traditional group, even though they were not statistically significant at the p < .05 level. Of particular interest is the gain posted by the African-American group. The African American students, when compared with the other races, recorded the highest mean in both the traditional and POGIL groups, compared with the pretest estimated covariate model of 11.62. African American students in the POGIL group posted the highest posttest estimated marginal mean. This finding indicates that POGIL could provide a conduit for addressing the racial achievement gap.
The mean score for all students in the POGIL group for this study was 14.8% higher than the post test mean for the traditional group. This increase equates to approximately one letter grade high erfor the POGIL group than the grade earned by the traditional group students, which is in agreement with the college studies mentioned. Cooperative learning, models, and guided inquiry. POGIL is based on cooperative learning strategies. This
Study found, as many other studies of cooperative learning have found (Bilgin & Geban, 2006; Köse, S¸ahin,Ergun,& Gezer, 2010), that this particular cooperative learning approach had a more positive impact on student achievement than did a traditional lecture approach.The extent to which the cooperative learning aspect of POGIL was responsible for student gain is difficult to determine. Cooperative learning is an integral aspect of POGIL pedagogy, as is the use of models to reduce the abstract nature of the topics and guided inquiry to stimulate high order thinking. The strength of the POGIL approach is that it incorporates all of these critical components, cooperative learning,guidedinquiry,andtheuseofmodels,tosupport student learning. Students in the POGIL cooperative learning groups worked as a team to learn chemistry. Communication among the members of the team was an integral part of every lesson. By working as a team, students grew in their abilities to manage their time and interactions with each other in order to optimize learning. Each group knew that the teacher would soon be calling on their group to summarize their findings. Students were internally motivated to self-assess and check their understandings of the topics being studied during the lesson in order to be prepared to provide an accurate summary of their group’s work.With each member of the POGIL group assigned a role, students were accountable to each other and grew in their ability to function as an important member of a team. Implications
In light of the finding soft his study, POGIL may be seen As an effective method for teaching concepts related to the PNM and was shown to reduce the impact of alternative conceptions held by secondary chemistry students. The mean score on the ParNoMa2 for all students in the POGIL group was1 4.8% higher than the post test mean for the traditional group. This increase equates to approximately one letter grade higher for the POGIL group than the grade earned by the traditional group students, which Is in agreement with thecolle gestudies. All students, male and female, benefited from POGIL methods.
POGIL methods were effective in reducing the achievement gap between racial subgroups. In stark contrast to most studies of academic achievement, POGIL provided the same, or greater, achievement gain for African American and Hispanic students, as were seen in Cauca sian and Asian students. It is important to note that all alternate conceptions held by secondary students in this study were not eradicated. Like other alternative conceptions studies, this present study found alternative conceptions resistant to change, but progress was made. Further studies are needed to determine whether students taught in POGIL environments in high school are more successful in college chemistry than students who were taught high school chemistry by the traditional method. Several studies (Schwartz, 2009; Schwartz et al., 2008; Tai et al., 2006) indicate that students taught using POGIL should perform better in college chemistry, but studies are needed to determine if POGIL does provide a Superior foundation forfuture chemistry studies. Forthes reasons, POGIL offer same thod for teaching chemistr to students that helps reduce alternative conceptions
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Results (Indonesian) 2:[Copy]
Pertanyaan dan Hipotesis
Penelitian ini meneliti pertanyaan penelitian berikut. Perhatikan bahwa pertanyaan pertama harus dipertimbangkan pertanyaan utama untuk penelitian. Pertanyaan-pertanyaan lain yang dibangun untuk memberikan informasi tambahan.
Pertanyaan penelitian 1: Apa dampak apakah penggunaan aktif, POGIL berpusat pada siswa telah pada konsepsi alternatif siswa kimia sekunder dalam perubahan fisik dan kimia dalam hal yang berkaitan dengan teori partikel dalam pendidikan kimia bila dibandingkan dengan tradisional berpusat pada guru, ceramah-gaya kimia pedagogi?
Penelitian pertanyaan 2: Apakah ifference membaca dalam pencapaian antara siswa laki-laki dan perempuan diajarkan menggunakan metode POGIL dan bahan untuk mengajar perubahan fisik dan kimia dalam hal yang berkaitan dengan teori partikel dalam kimia sekunder saat dibandingkan dengan guru tradisional berpusat, kuliah gaya kimia pedagogi?
Penelitian pertanyaan 3: Apakah ifference membaca dalam prestasi bagi siswa minoritas diajarkan menggunakan metode POGIL dan bahan untuk mengajar perubahan fisik dan kimia dalam hal yang berkaitan dengan teori partikel dalam kimia sekunder bila dibandingkan dengan tradisional berpusat pada guru, lecturestyle pedagogi kimia?
Mirip dengan temuan di tingkat perguruan tinggi, pelajar sekolah menengah yang diajarkan di kelas POGIL dilakukan lebih baik pada penilaian kimia daripada rekan-rekan mereka yang diajar menggunakan pedagogi tradisional dalam penelitian ini. Beberapa penelitian melaporkan pergeseran ke atas nilai tes siswa sesuai dengan satu huruf kelas bagi siswa yang diajar menggunakan POGIL bukan pedagogi tradisional dalam kursus kimia perguruan tinggi (P. Brown, 2010a; S. Brown, 2010b;. Farrell et al, 1999; Rudder & Hunnicutt, 2008). Kesamaan dalam penelitian-penelitian untuk studi ini disajikan dalam paragraf berikut. Farrell et al. (1999) melaporkan penelitian mereka prestasi kimia sarjana di Franklin dan Marshall College.They dibandingkan kelas searned oleh mahasiswa dalam kimia umum diajarkan menggunakan POGIL pedagogi (jatuh 1994-musim semi 1997) untuk mahasiswa yang terdaftar di tahun-tahun sebelumnya (1990 jatuh musim semi 1994) yang diajarkan menggunakan instruktur pedagogy.The tradisional tetap konstan selama penelitian. Selama periode ini, persentase siswa mendapatkan nilai D, W, dan F menurun, sedangkan persentase siswa yang menyelesaikan kursus dengan nilai A atau B meningkat sebagai respons terhadap POGIL. Temuan ini serupa dengan penelitian ini. Siswa diajarkan menggunakan metode POGIL lebih berhasil daripada siswa diajarkan menggunakan pedagogi kuliah tradisional. Hinde dan Kovac (2001) menerapkan strategi POGIL dalam kursus kimia fisik satalar universitas geregional. Mereka menemukan, seperti halnya penelitian ini, siswa belajar materi "lebih teliti" (hal. 93).
P. Brown (2010a) digunakan metode POGIL untuk mengajar anatomi sarjana dan kursus fisiologi di sebuah perguruan tinggi seni liberal kecil. Dia melaporkan peningkatan nilai siswa pada ujian bab, komprehensif akhir dan atas semua tentu saja nilai. Tiga semester safter menerapkan POGIL, tema rata-rata saja naik 23%. Hasil penelitian ini adalah Butare ini kurang dramatis konsisten dengan temuan positif yang dilaporkan oleh P. Brown. Dari interestis tertentu yang P. Brown menjelaskan lembaga mana studi ini dilakukan sebagai populasi mahasiswa yang beragam. Seperti studi sekolah menengah yang disajikan di sini, ia melaporkan pencapaian keuntungan bagi siswa dari semua ras.
Hasil penelitian ini hadir prestasi kimia sekunder mengungkapkan hasil yang sama dengan penelitian perguruan tinggi yang disebutkan di mana prestasi yang lebih besar diamati untuk semua siswa, tanpa memandang jenis kelamin atau ras, ketika instruksi POGIL menggantikan format kuliah tradisional. Sangat menarik untuk dicatat bahwa semua ras, terlepas dari kelompok, membukukan skor posttest lebih tinggi, tetapi beberapa hanya sedikit lebih tinggi. Panik dan siswa Kaukasia menunjukkan edvery keuntungan kecil pada kelompok tradisional, sementara semua ras menunjukkan keuntungan yang lebih besar pada kelompok POGIL.
Semua siswa, tanpa memandang ras, membukukan keuntungan pada kelompok POGIL. yang lebih besar dari kelompok tradisional, meskipun mereka tidak signifikan secara statistik pada p <.05 tingkat. Yang menarik adalah keuntungan diposting oleh kelompok Afrika-Amerika. Para siswa Afrika Amerika, bila dibandingkan dengan ras lain, mencatat rata-rata tertinggi pada kedua kelompok tradisional dan POGIL, dibandingkan dengan pretest perkiraan Model kovariat dari 11.62. African American siswa dalam kelompok POGIL membukukan posttest tertinggi diperkirakan marjinal rata-rata. Temuan ini menunjukkan bahwa POGIL bisa menyediakan saluran untuk mengatasi kesenjangan prestasi rasial.
Rata-rata untuk semua siswa dalam kelompok POGIL untuk penelitian ini adalah 14,8% lebih tinggi dari post test berarti bagi kelompok tradisional. Peningkatan ini setara dengan sekitar satu huruf kelas tinggi erfor kelompok POGIL dari kelas yang diperoleh oleh siswa kelompok tradisional, yang dalam perjanjian dengan penelitian perguruan tinggi yang disebutkan. Pembelajaran kooperatif, model, dan inkuiri terbimbing. POGIL didasarkan pada strategi pembelajaran kooperatif. Ini
studi ditemukan, karena banyak penelitian lain dari pembelajaran kooperatif telah menemukan (Bilgin & Geban, 2006; Kose, Sahin, Ergun, & Gezer, 2010), bahwa pendekatan pembelajaran kooperatif tertentu memiliki dampak yang lebih positif terhadap prestasi belajar siswa daripada kuliah tradisional sejauh approach.The mana aspek pembelajaran kooperatif POGIL bertanggung jawab untuk keuntungan siswa sulit untuk menentukan. Pembelajaran kooperatif merupakan aspek integral dari POGIL pedagogi, seperti penggunaan model untuk mengurangi sifat abstrak dari topik dan pertanyaan dipandu untuk merangsang berpikir tingkat tinggi. Kekuatan dari pendekatan POGIL adalah bahwa hal itu menggabungkan semua komponen kritis, pembelajaran kooperatif, guidedinquiry, andtheuseofmodels, tosupport belajar siswa. Siswa di kelompok pembelajaran kooperatif POGIL bekerja sebagai sebuah tim untuk mempelajari kimia. Komunikasi di antara anggota tim adalah bagian integral dari setiap pelajaran. Dengan bekerja sebagai tim, siswa tumbuh dalam kemampuan mereka untuk mengelola waktu dan interaksi dengan satu sama lain dalam rangka mengoptimalkan pembelajaran. Setiap kelompok tahu bahwa guru akan segera menyerukan kelompok mereka untuk meringkas temuan mereka. Siswa secara internal termotivasi untuk menilai diri sendiri dan memeriksa pemahaman mereka tentang topik yang dipelajari selama pelajaran agar siap untuk memberikan ringkasan yang akurat dari kelompok mereka work.With setiap anggota kelompok POGIL ditugaskan peran, siswa bertanggung jawab kepada satu sama lain dan tumbuh dalam kemampuan mereka untuk berfungsi sebagai anggota penting dari tim. Implikasi
Mengingat studinya menemukan lembut, POGIL dapat dilihat sebagai metode yang efektif untuk konsep pengajaran yang berkaitan dengan PNM dan ditunjukkan untuk mengurangi dampak dari konsepsi alternatif yang diselenggarakan oleh mahasiswa kimia sekunder. Rata-rata di ParNoMa2 untuk semua siswa dalam kelompok POGIL was1 4,8% lebih tinggi dari post test berarti bagi kelompok tradisional. Peningkatan ini setara dengan sekitar satu huruf kelas yang lebih tinggi untuk kelompok POGIL dari kelas yang diperoleh oleh siswa kelompok tradisional, yang adalah sesuai dengan thecolle gestudies. Semua siswa, laki-laki dan perempuan, manfaat dari metode POGIL.
metode POGIL yang efektif dalam mengurangi kesenjangan prestasi antara subkelompok ras. Berbeda sekali dengan kebanyakan studi dari prestasi akademik, POGIL disediakan sama, atau lebih besar, keuntungan prestasi bagi siswa Afrika Amerika dan Hispanik, seperti terlihat di Cauca sian dan mahasiswa Asia. Penting untuk dicatat bahwa semua konsepsi alternatif yang diselenggarakan oleh mahasiswa sekunder dalam penelitian ini tidak diberantas. Seperti penelitian konsepsi alternatif lainnya, studi ini menemukan konsepsi alternatif resisten terhadap perubahan, namun kemajuan dibuat. Penelitian lebih lanjut diperlukan untuk menentukan apakah siswa diajarkan di lingkungan POGIL di sekolah tinggi lebih sukses dalam kimia perguruan tinggi daripada siswa yang mengajar kimia SMA dengan metode tradisional. Beberapa penelitian (Schwartz, 2009; Schwartz et al, 2008;.. Tai et al, 2006) menunjukkan bahwa siswa diajarkan menggunakan POGIL harus tampil lebih baik dalam kimia perguruan tinggi, namun studi diperlukan untuk menentukan apakah POGIL tidak memberikan landasan unggul forfuture studi kimia . Forthes alasan, POGIL menawarkan ThOD sama untuk mengajar chemistr kepada siswa yang membantu mengurangi konsepsi alternatif
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