Honey why ur like this with me , why u never listing to me , I give u my heart to take care but look at what u are turning me in to , I am too big for u to turn me araund , ask u to come malaysia , u told me that ur busy with work , I beg u agen to come today because I have no here to share my difference with and how I am feeling here . What u tell me is that ur mum tell u not to come malaysia , before it was ur work that makes u not come , second ur mum tell u not to come , now u want to booking ticket , why did u shoes to play my heart as if I am not in love or I did not know ur more important to me , why u never know what u want at this ur age 41 , still u never listing to ur voice and ur self , ur listing to ur friend or who so ever , pls don't hurt the good and lovely feeling I have for u because it rely hurt for a man to live is wife for another man to make her laugh ,, I never hurt u honey pls stop playing with someone heart , when u no that mum love u so much and evry members of my family love u too , I my self feeling in love with my Madam Pornphak