Did you recognize that a Data Collector is likely to love that job? It’s
task and fact oriented, procedural, and rational. Thus if you’re writing a
newsletter article trying to motivate a lab technician to adhere to a new
safety policy, you’d want to use words that speak directly to a Data
Collector by focusing on the details of the new policy.
Take a look at Table 1.1. Do you see how the recommended words and
phrases match each personality? The words and phrases are intended
to help you begin the process of targeting different people. They are
not intended to be a complete listing but rather to serve as a guide.
Not only will the words and phrases in Table 1.1 help you motivate
people, they will also help you motivate groups. This flexibility is critical
when your communication needs to reach multiple audience segments or
a broad base where it’s impossible to identify personality, or when you
know all personality types will be represented—members of your community,
visitors to your website, or all employees, for example. It’s a very
common dilemma that either you can’t figure out a person’s personality
typeor there’s a mixture and you are uncertain which type to target.
For example, let’s say that your company is trying to encourage all
employees to use their personal digital assistant (PDA). The company
has provided training on using the new PDA; now you need to send an
E-mail to all employees reminding them of the benefits.