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4. Metallurgical Issues4.1 INTRODUCTIONMany metallurgical issues are associated with steel construc-tion. This chapter will focus on welding-related metallurgi-cal issues in steel construction.4.2 STEEL—PROPERTIES OF INTERESTVarious types of structural steel are classified, or graded,based on a variety of properties, but one primary propertyof interest to the engineer is the minimum specified yieldstrength. Some steel grades also have a maximum limit onthe yield strength. Additionally, steel grades have minimumspecified tensile strengths, or tensile strength ranges. Mini-mum levels of ductility, measured in terms of elongation,are also specified. Minimum notch toughness levels, as mea-sured in the Charpy V-notch test, generally are supplementalrequirements that must be specified, if desired, when thesteel is ordered
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