So boast, the person in monster temporary palace first stares, at once laughs loudly.
„Ha Ha, smiled, this does not know the yellow wool boy who where braved, did not have including the wool long entire, dares saying that unexpectedly killed off the person in our monster temporary palace, was acts recklessly simply.”
„Boy, your brain was the show has certainly teased, do not think some own intelligence can be arrogant and conceited, our three palaces main, but Battle Spirit Realm Initial Stage master extremely, the casual hand can be run over and die you.”
„Three palace hosts, are short with him rubbish, this boy has killed the person in our monster temporary palace, that is the capital crime, first cuts to kill it, then the slaughter falls entire including Junborg, takes away the woman completely.”
Monster Beast of monster temporary palace loud howling, absolutely does not have Jiang Chen Jiang Chen to place in the eye.
„Boy, if you kneel to kowtow to this palace host now, then drills from this palace main crotch, this palace main considered that makes you die a happiness.”
The hawk Wang Yong hand is pointing at Jiang Chen, incomparably self-satisfied saying.
„Right? That looked that your pants crotch was solid enough.”
The Jiang Chen corners of the mouth overflow one to sneer, how has not seen him to act, Jiang Chen vanishes in the original place, when he appears again, arrived at the near of hawk king.
„It is not good.”
Hawk king complexion drastic change, secret passage is not good, but anything late, hawk Wang Zhi thought own crotch has raided fresh breeze.
A Jiang Chen flying foot, is bringing the golden air wave, without bias and without favor, happen to tramples in the crotch department of hawk king, that is a foot of Jiang Chen, the strength is intrepid, even if a mountain peak, must be kicked to break to pieces.
Therefore, body probably of hawk king broke the kite of line, departed several ropes made of twisted bamboo strips to be far, the hawk king stature was curving, both hands grasped their crotch department stubbornly, in the mouth send out the appalling sad and shrill pitiful yell.
All people who this looks at hold breath cold air, many people felt that crotch one tight, a cool feeling has delimited.
Lian Cong shook the head, this amorist, later perhaps did not have the opportunity color to get down again.
„Mother, this foot is really ruthless.”
Many people worry for the hawk king, humanity or Monster Beast, that spot is frailest, was so hit hard, even if the intrepid hawk king, cannot shoulder.
Under hawk king rending shouting, his stature in a flash, turns into a first dozens zhang (3.33 m) black hawk directly, the hawk wing shakes crazily, is carrying the endless energy, toward the Jiang Chen impact.
Jiang Chen stands there moves also motionless, when hawk Wang soon attacks the near, he makes True Dragon Great Handprint suddenly.
Merely the Battle Spirit Realm Initial Stage hawk king, at is not a Jiang Chen move of enemy, let alone coped with aggressive True Dragon Great Handprint, under the attack of True Dragon Great Handprint, the hawk Wang Juda stature made into the blood fog directly, with enough time has not sent out including the pitiful yell on the tragic death.