“Disappointed with the political situation of Malaysia. Too much emphasis put on ethnicity in decision making for future planning. Statutory discrimination against other races favouring only one ethnic. Will consider going back when situation improves (next life maybe but fingers crossed).”
“Concern and unhappiness over government’s racially divisive policies and political situation (corruption, croynism etc)”
“I am trying my best to contribute to my beloved country in the form of my knowledge, tax and so on. But if the country is going to fail people like me in sense of public safety, corrupted government servants and system, political chaos, low salary (with price of goods getting higher) then i might just have to leave.”
“Malaysia has problem: corruption, inefficient public sector and GLCs, politicizing of every single issue, childish exchange of words in parliament, occasional outburst of racist remarks by certain ministers, lack of meritocracy.
And the mother of all problems is that the majority (not all) of the Malaysians are either too afraid or too ignorant and uneducated to make any change.”