Just as critical theory problematizes the state and refuses to see it as some kind of given in world politics,so does historical sociology.Indeed the main theme of this field is the way in which societies deverlop through history.It is concerned with the underlying structures that shape the institutions and organization into with human society is arranged,including violence ,economy, and gender.Historical sociology has a long history.The first wave,which was a respond to the great events of the eighteenth century the American and French revolutions. the processes of Industrialization, and nation building ran until the 1920s. The second wave has been of particular interest to international theory,because the key writers, Michael Mann,Theda Skocpol,Immanuel Wallerstein,Charles Tilly,,John Hall ,Martin Shar, have all to various degrees focused their sociological analyses in the relationship between the domestic and the international. Tilly has nestly summarizied this interest with the statement that states made war but war made the state 'In short,the central feature of historical sociology has been an interest in how structures that we take for granted are the pro ducts of a set of complex social processes.