Jiang Chen indifferent saying, he felt a bad intent from the old man eyes, immediately spoke does not have anything to be polite.
„Old man, hurries to make way, do not delay the traveling schedule of dog master.”
The Big Yellow Dog threat said.
„Ha Ha, Jiang Chen, the old man looks for the good pain that you look for, looked for your two months fully, but also thinks that you died, has not thought that you appeared, was too good, my Liu Peng was really the huge good fortune, that many people sought for you, finally has not fallen in my hands.”
Liu Peng laughs, has regarded the game to regard Jiang Chen completely, oneself are that hunter.
„? Do you ask me to do? Also who looks for me?”
Jiang Chen brow one pressed, he wants to get rid to send the old man immediately, but listens to the words of old man, as if had many matters in these days that oneself vanished, many people were seeking for themselves.
„Jiang Chen, you do not know, reason that Purgatory so chaotic , because you create? You have exacted Purgatory City outer area all wealth, person who these lose the wealth, to survive naturally stops at nothing, Purgatory was naturally chaotic . Moreover, your behavior caused has encircled the attention of major influences, many Divine Core Realm Late Stage masters in looking for you, must massacre you, guarded the Purgatory City rule, Jiang Chen, you fall to my hand in now, calculated your good fortune, so long as you all wealth in the hand gave me, I forgave your life.”
Liu Peng said loudly.
Jiang Chen and Big Yellow Dog look one, reveals color suddenly, has made for quite a while, the Purgatory so chaotic aspect , because create, why encircles these Divine Core Realm Late Stage masters to chase down itself as , the goal was very clear, at present this Liu Peng is an example.
„Ha Ha, guards the Purgatory City rule, is really the nonsense reason, said directly, for the wealth in my hand on line.”
Jiang Chen laughs, oneself have exacted outer area all wealth, that many people have their idea, is passable.
„Right, for the enormous wealth in your hand, Jiang Chen, you do not make senseless struggling, takes your cultivation as, at is not my match, fast in all wealth your hand hands over, I forgive you not dead.”
Liu Peng complexion one cold, opens the mouth to threaten to say.
Listened to this type absolutely not to have the threat of nutrition, Jiang Chen was almost happy, he looked to Big Yellow Dog and Wu Jiu, discovered that this person of dog started to laugh.
„What do you smile?”
Liu Pengda drinks.
„Smiles is the idiot, dies to being imminent also such Niu Cha, does your family member know?”
Big Yellow Dog spoke the ridicule, fork dance that while smiled.
„Old man, in all wealth your hand hands over, I forgive you not dead.”
Jiang Chen the original words of Liu friend directly.
What? Robs me?
Liu Peng was shocked directly, but oneself rob, now the object actually must rob itself in turn, the brain is sick.
„I urged you to be obedient, hurried to hand over the belongings, perhaps can also preserve a life.”
The Wu Jiu reminder said that these words seriously are the good intention.
„Jiang Chen, my patience is limited.”
Liu Pengnu, this Nyima who was a hunter, who was the game.
„My patience is also limited, I only count to three.”
Jiang Chen said that then started to count: First, two and three.
„Courts death.”