At BITEC, the congress will be held on the ground and second floors. You can check the location on the second floor of rooms assigned to each theme or symposium on the image below. The main exhibition hall, EH102, is on the ground floor. This is where all the posters will be displayed.
The Opening Ceremony and Keynote Address (by Dr Bob Zeigler) on 28 October will be held in GH201-203, as will the five plenary talks on 29, 30 and 31 October. GH201-203 can also be divided into three separate rooms, and these will also be used for individual science sessions.
Please note the following:
The speakers’ room (MR201) is where you will upload your PowerPoint presentation to a central server, and check it well ahead of your session for compatibility with the version of PowerPoint used at BITEC. This room will be open from 2 pm on Monday 27 October, and every day thereafter from 8 am. There will be staff there to assist you.
Please upload your presentation at least half a day in advance of your talk, if at all possible.
Speakers may not use their own laptops in conference rooms to display their presentation, nor plug in a USB stick.
Exhibition Hall EH102 will be accessible for setting up posters only from 8 am on Tuesday 28 October. Please do not enter EH102 on Monday 27 October. Exhibition booths will be set up, as will the poster boards.
All poster presenters should register and pay the registration fee by 10 September 2014, after which they will receive a new number indicating their poster location in EH102. Since we will print the final program in the handbook shortly afterwards, if you have not registered and paid by 10 September, your poster will not be included, and no poster board allocated.