they used T-test for analysis this research 100 of student teachers were taken as the sample for the study. So, the sample size remained restricted to 98 comprising 73 Female and 25 male student teachers. Student teachers at the start of survey by asked to write and rank any twenty competencies which they considered essential for them to excel in the job as a teacher. The competency which they considered the most indispensable was ranked as number one and the least preferred one was ranked twenty. Student teachers actively participated in this exercise.
After reviewing the text written by them, sixty five competencies were identified as the overall teaching competencies. An item wise analysis was done to discard the overlapping and least preferred competencies. In the second stage, competencies were categorised under two headings as personal and professional. Out of the total 22 items were classified as personal and 23 items as professional competencies. After one month from the first exercise, student teachers were again asked to rank these competencies in descending order from 1-22/23. The competency placed at number one was given a score of 22/23 and the one placed at the bottom was given score one by the researcher. This process was repeated for all listed competencies by ninety eight student teachers. Mean of each competency was calculated by using the following formulae.