Results (
Thai) 1:
ONE IN FIVE Americans suffers from amental disorder; however, most do notreceive effective treatment (Department of Healthand Human Services, 1999). Underutilization ofmental health services and early termination ofmental health treatment are largely attributed tostigma (Corrigan, 2004a). Thus, individuals withmental disorders fear the consequences of stigmaand are particularly concerned with how influentialothers may view them once they disclose theirdisorder (Corrigan, 2004a). Stigma is a “collectionof negative attitudes, beliefs, thoughts, and behaviorsthat influence the individual, or the generalpublic, to fear, reject, avoid, be prejudiced, anddiscriminate people” (Gary, 2005a, p. 980). Stigmais a serious problem and a barrier for achieving lifegoals in those with mental illness. Stigma impedesmental health treatment seeking, erodes selfesteem,and limits one's social network andemployment opportunities (Corrigan, 2004a).
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