Big Yellow Dog is one must do the stance of important matter completely, leads these people, must select all footholds, seriously is the guts.
Hears Big Yellow Dog to go ahead, on Guan Yiyun several people of faces also revealed the excited color.
„I knock at the door.”
Yang Meng said.
„Called any gate, flew directly.”
The Big Yellow Dog voice just fell, Wang Heng carries the rack to soar, behind that Divine Core Realm master is helpless, can only with flying, to fly toward the foothold, Tian Yi Shan several people follow, the group threaten, descends to the foothold.
„What person?”
Front, two member are gathering round a stone table to drink wine, saw that some people flew, immediately drinks greatly.
„You, fast come the master to pay respects to the dog.”
The Wang Heng person weaponry dog potential, is pointing at that two people with the hand, said loudly.
hear [words/that], two people of nose quick air/Qi were crooked, spouts the old blood on the difference at the scene, the master pays respects to the dog, I go to your Sir.
However, that dog is any thing, unexpectedly the so big rack, making two masters lift with the stretcher, this spectrum suspends was also too big, has not seen such spirited dog, today is grew in experience.
Two people just about to obloquied that actually saw Tian Yi Shan and Guan Yiyun, they do not know Big Yellow Dog, actually knew that Tian Yi Shan and Guan Yiyun, Yang Shao seized the Tian Yi Shan foothold, before this matter, noisy is not small, many people know Tian Yi Shan.
But today's Tian Yi Shan was different from the past, everybody know that Tian Yi Shan back were many a backer, named Jiang Chen, cut to kill Yang Shao, could not offend.
„Tian Yi Shan, you so intrude our foothold, can do?”
And frowns saying that has not cared Big Yellow Dog.
„Immortal your board board, had not noticed that the dog master is here sits? You dare to disregard me unexpectedly, simply damn.”
Big Yellow Dog has gotten angry immediately, two people did not speak the range to interrogate Tian Yi Shan with him, this simply was to oneself biggest disrespecting, may endure what else cannot be tolerated.
„The dog that his ma, where comes, get lost.”
One of them could not bear, dreads back Jiang Chen, he must get rid directly.
„Courts death.”
Big Yellow Dog has gotten angry, one that his stature in a flash, brushes runs out, just likes to the arrow of string, will draw near the extreme, suddenly then arrived at that person of near, that person of mind will tremble, actually simply has not responded, when he will respond truly, already late.
Ka scratches!
The advantage tooth of Big Yellow Dog ka scratches one, has nipped directly that person of head, the blood just likes the fountain beheads to spurt from it equally crazily, has more than one zhang (3.33 m) fully high.
Whish ~
This, all people have been shocked, including Tian Yi Shan they, is the surprised opening mouths, they expected that will promote Big Yellow Dog after Divine Core Realm is very strong, but has not thought that will meet the powerful to this degree, that will be the Divine Core Realm Initial Stage master, bit to death unexpectedly, the opposite party will not have including the opportunity of revolt, but can also a remetabola point?
They naturally do not know that Big Yellow Dog has the complete Dragon horse bloodline, that is true divine beast, results in the world good fortune, after promoting Divine Core Realm, not only has awakened formidable Innate Ability, the overall ability also obtained all -around promotion, the speed, the mortal body intensity, the striking power, before is not, can compare.
The humanity of same rank, at is not a Big Yellow Dog move of enemy.
„Makes your eldest children come out.”