Reference Question
if i want to leave my husband can i take my baby with me?
I have a 2 week and 5 days old baby and I was living with my mother a week before my scheduled c section. I had to accept to go to my live with my husband again because he had the carseat and I couldn't buy a new one. Yes, his parents took the stroller and carseat they bought for the baby and told me it was for him when he had to visit and take the baby. Anyways, I got out of the hospital and went back with him. But things hadn't change towards me. He is an excellent father but a bad husband. I'm tired and want to go back to my mom house like now. Cause I have everything else as a gift and from my family side so I have nothing left to do in his house. The one thing that is concerning is that he is threatening to keep the baby with him. I cannot take her with me. Is this true? Is there anything else that I can do? As I write this he is being rude and asking me why am I at the bathroom. I so desperate! I want to leave right now but with my baby.
Thanks everyone and especially kitty> he is being abusive, he screams at me for no reason just because. He will manipulate me with things like I have done everything for you blah blah. He call me crazy, dumb, imbecile, moron...
Oh and another thing> I live with his parent but I have always work he doesn't work and currently I receive unemployment money. But he has ask his parent which is a good move for him since he almost expend all my money so that his parents can support me and I don't live from other people support. He doesn't work because he always whining and complaining that there's no job. Anyway I'm the one who have been bringing the money and I'm planning on starting to work again. Cause I love working and been working since I was 16 years old. Currently 27. I do need a distraction.