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The publication “Health Situation in the Americas. Basic Indicators 2011” of the Pan American HealthOrganization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) presents the latest available information on basichealth indicators for 48 countries/territories in the Region of the Americas.Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are the leading causes of death in the Americas, accounting for 76%of all deaths during 2007-2009. This proportion equals to 4 million annual deaths since 2000, of whichmost (69%) occur in middle and low income countries. Given the immense burden that NCDs pose to thepeople, they have been recognized for their substantial adverse impact on health and society by allcountries and the international community. Therefore, the first United Nations High-Level Meeting onNon-Communicable Diseases is being held in September 2011.Among NCDs, we highlight diabetes mellitus because of its high prevalence. Estimates indicate that around55 million people live with diabetes in the Region in 2010. This edition includes a thematic map thatshows the avoidable mortality from diabetes mellitus for the population under 50 years of age in theRegion of the Americas and the mortality trend of diabetes for the past 10 years, showing the differentdeath risks and inequities among countries.The burden of diabetes in the Americas is high. In 2008, occurred 1.3 million diabetes deaths worldwide(WHO, 2010) of which 20% in the Americas, while our Region accounts only for 14% of the world’spopulation (PAHO, 2011). Vulnerable populations are most affected by diabetes, as well as prematuredeath. Moreover, diabetes produces a series of complications, such as cardiovascular diseases,neuropathies, kidney disease, visual impairment and blindness, which represent a high cost to the healthsystem.This regional panorama shows the need to maintain the priorities of action for prevention and control ofNCDs, such as integrated and intersectorial interventions, including access to quality health care in a timelyand efficient manner. On the other hand, risk factors such as obesity, tobacco use, and inactivity should beaddressed and economic and social determinants need to be improved.The information presented in this brochure has been compiled, processed and reviewed by PAHO/WHOtechnical staff in collaboration with staff from the ministries of health and planning and statistics offices inthe Americas.For further information, including all basic indicators and their definitions, we invite you to visit PAHO’sRegional Health Observatory website at Roses
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