It was the first day of class. I got up early, threw on a pair of jeans, a sweatshirt, and a ball cap with the bill turned backwards and hurried off to my eight A.M. class, Introduction to Astronomy. I have always been interested in astronomy, so I took a seat in the front row. But the lesson I learned that day was not on the syllabus. I discovered how quickly a mean-spirited professor could dampen my desire to learn.
When Dr. Laster walked in and thumped his books on the desk, the classroom was filled, and several students were standing along the walls. The professor looked around the room until his eyes stopped on me. He did not look pleased. “Young man,” he said, “where are your manners?” I looked around and saw female students standing as I sat. Embarrassed, I rose and gestured for one of them to take my seat. “Sit down,” snapped the professor. “I’m sure these ladies can stand for a few more minutes. Do you and these other gentlemen always wear your hats indoors?” I felt a flush creeping slowly up my neck, and as I whipped my cap from my head, I saw stealthy movements as others quickly removed theirs. During the rest of the class, I hid my embarrassment by pretending to read the syllabus and take notes.
By the time class was over, I had decided that one crusty old professor was not going to keep me from taking a class that genuinely interested me. I headed for the bookstore, but the astronomy books were sold out. That’s when I had an idea. I would drop by the professor’s office to let him know that the bookstore was out of books. That small courtesy, I reasoned, might help me to get back on the right track with him.
When I got to the professor’s office, the door was open and he was sitting at his desk reading. I knocked softly on the door frame and said, “Professor Laster? I just came by to let you know that the bookstore is out of astronomy textbooks.” Instead of being pleased that I had come by, he looked annoyed. “That’s not my problem,” he said. “It’s the bookstore’s problem, and it’s your problem. And it does not excuse you from reading the chapter or turning in the assignment.” I was speechless. “Will that be all?” said Professor Laster. I wanted to offer an explanation or stand up for myself in some way, but I was so astonished by his hostility that I could not think of a reply. “Yes, sir,” I finally stammered, then turned to leave.
I dropped the class that afternoon. I will never know why Dr. Laster behaved as he did. I do know that his petty, arrogant behavior cheated me out of a class I wanted to take and cheated him out of a good student who wanted to learn. All Dr. Laster taught me was to be a bit less trusting, a bit more cynical and, next time, more willing to stand up for myself.