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Three couples, Emily (Emily Baldoni) and Kevin (Maury Sterling), Hugh (Hugo Armstrong) and Beth (Elizabeth Gracen), Amir (Alex Manugian) and Laurie (Lauren Maher) attend a dinner party at the house of their friends Mike (Nicholas Brendon) and Lee (Lorene Scafaria). On the way to the party, Em's phone loses reception and the screen spontaneously shatters. She blames this on a passing comet which she had heard about on the news. She tells the other dinner guests how a previous comet a century earlier had caused people to experience strange phenomena. Her idea is ridiculed until the other guests discover that none of their phones have power and that Hugh's phone has also shattered. Hugh wants to contact his brother, physicist who had warned him about possible odd effects from the comet. Just then, the house loses power. The group lights candles and opens a package of blue glow sticks to provide light. Going outside they see that the whole neighborhood has lost power except for a house a few blocks away. Hugh and Amir decide to travel to that house to see if they have a working telephone. While they are gone, Mike manages to turn on his house's generator, restoring power. Hugh and Amir return, with Hugh bleeding slightly from the forehead and Amir carrying a box which they had found at the other house. Hugh explains that he became startled when he looked inside the other house and saw a dinner table set exactly like theirs. Opening the box they discover a ping pong paddle and photos of all of them, with random numbers written on the back. Amir notes that the photo of him was taken that night, inside the house, and Em realizes that the numbers are written in her handwriting.
Mike, Laurie, Em, and Kevin decide to go to the other house to see what is going on. As they approach it they pass through an area darker than the rest of the neighborhood. Mike realizes that the other house is, in fact, his house and peeks inside. Startled, the group begins to head back to their house only to encounter alternate versions of themselves carrying red glow sticks. Both groups flee to their respective houses. Back at the house, Beth remembers that she has one of her brother in law's books in their car and retrieves it. Inside the book are notes for a lecture he had been planning to give about the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics. The group surmises that there are two different versions of themselves which will likely resolve into one single reality once the comet passes. Mike becomes more paranoid and half jokingly suggests killing the other versions so as to ensure their own survival. Instead, he decides to blackmail the other version of himself into stealing the physics book from the other house by leaving a note threatening to reveal that he and Beth had had an extramarital affair. Meanwhile, Amir and Hugh, who are actually the versions from the other house, steal the book and the box of photos and flee. Afterwards, the original Hugh and Amir return, saying that they have spent the intervening time in the other house, having mistaken it for their own. The groups decides to create a means for them to identify which house they are in. They use photos of themselves and then roll dice, writing the numbers on the back of each picture, before putting them in a box with a randomly chosen item. Em goes to look at a list of the numbers from the other house's picture's and realizes that it is written in a different color ink than she had previously written them down in. She discovers that the group which had left the house with her all remember the numbers which she had originally written down, but Beth and Lee, who never left the house, only remember the new numbers. She comes to the conclusion that she is not in the original house which she left. She surmises that there are multiple versions of the house, not merely two, and that every time they pass through the darkened area they emerge at a new, random, version.
A note is slipped under the door. Hugh reads it and Mike realizes it is the blackmail note he had delivered earlier. Hugh becomes enraged upon learning that Mike slept with his wife and an argument ensues. Another version of Mike bursts through the door and attacks him before being chased off. Em surveys the chaos and walks outside, passing through the darkened patch. She does so numerous times, each time encountering a version where the group dynamic between her friends has broken down into arguments or violence. Finally, she discovers a version where her friends, apparently having never left the house, are happy and enjoying themselves. She breaks Hugh's car window to lure everyone outside and, when the alternate version of her checks on her car, Em tranquilizes her with some ketamine which she had taken from Beth. Em then goes inside and joins the others. The rest of the group goes outside to watch the comet, which is breaking apart, apparently signaling the various possible realities collapsing into one. Em sees her alternate self, still woozy from the drugs, crawl into the bathroom. Em goes inside and bludgeons her double over the head, stashing the body in the shower. She leaves the bathroom and collapses in front of her friends. The next morning she wakes up to find everyone in good spirits, the body of her alternate version having apparently disappeared. Em goes outside and talks to Kevin. He receives a phone call which, he notes, is coming from Em herself. After answering the phone, he looks at her suspiciously.
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