3. A food heating package adapted to contain a food product comprising a package body formed from mi
crowave transparent non-lossy dielectric sheet material having a cellulosic or plastic resinous base de?ning a
container body and a lossy microwave absorptive heating body connected to the package and associated in
heat conductive relationship with said food, said heating body being in sheet form and the thickness of said
sheet being at least about 0.016" thick and being substantially within the range wherein the sheet thickness
and the temperature response during microwave heating are positively correlated, the heating body comprising a multiplicity of particles of microwave absorptive material of different particle sizes and a binder bonding
said particles together, a metal sheet in overlying relation to one side of and adjacent to the heating body, said
heating body being characterized by heating when exposed to microwave radiation within a microwave oven
to a sufficient temperature to sear, brown or crisp the food and cooling in 30 seconds or less after the oven is
turned off to the temperature of the food whereby the package can be used as a dish from which the food can
be directly eaten without burning the fingers.