An important question to be posed to the creators of
economic policy is whether the new opportunities that are
provided in the digital economy can improve the position
of developing countries or they even further deepen the
gap that exists between them and the developed
countries. According to many authors, globalization and
all its consequences make it possible to reduce the
differences between rich and poor nations, where a key
role is played by information and communication
technologies. They provide to a developing countries a
wide range of options to transform their economies into
information economies with high added value that can
compete with advanced economies on a global level.
Simply put, developing countries can not "afford the
luxury" to miss the opportunities that these technologies
create. Some developing countries are increasingly
turning to IT sector to accelerate its economic growth.
However, this does not apply to all countries, because
there is the other side of the coin: faced with numerous
obstacles, many countries have not adequately responded
to all the demands of the digital economy. Many
problems are faced by developing countries, and which
concern the implementation of modern information
technologies, threatens to make those countries even
more marginalized