10.5 Issue of Equipment:
• Personnel requiring equipment must make the request by means of an “Equipment Request Form peshnihad” and their respective department Head or Director must approve the cited form.
• The form will be handed to Inventory department for further process.
• The Inventory Department will search the Inventory and Assets tracking Database M-Pulse to check if the equipment or materials is in the stores, if it is not then a request will be passed on to the procurement directorate for further purchase..
• If the item is located then it will be issued to the requestor physically and on the Inventory Database. The requestor will sign for the item on the Equipment Handover Voucher FS 5 upon the receipt of all the items from the concern store.
• No equipment must be issued prior to receiving a signature from the requestor.
• Once the property is handed over, the receiving person will assume all responsibility in respect of accountability, safekeeping and proper handling of the equipment. If found responsible for any losses or damages due to gross negligence to these items, MAIL's Admin Inventory department will recover the financial cost of such losses or damages from the signee. The person receiving equipment should keep a copy of the hand-over document FS5, for their records in the event of loss, theft or damage. The signee should not move any stuff from one office to another without proper authorization from the Admin Inventory department.