Engagement of Staff: Team working and
structured problem solving
Within Pottery there was a mixed response to team
working. There was better clarity of team working in
some departments and better interdependence within
some departments. However there is still some doubt
about team working across departments. In some
departments, it was stated that it was too early to tell
whether the RIEs had had an impact on team working.
However, there was an understanding amongst staff
that teams need to develop further and that they need
to work together more to bridge the gap between
In terms of structured problem solving in Pottery it
became clear that other than RIEs, staff had not been
exposed to other problem solving techniques. There
appeared to be no understanding of what other
techniques could be employed.
In Iron there was a range of views regarding the solving
of problems. It was felt that some staff were able to
identify problems or were aware of the problems that
existed, but were unable or were not supported in
making changes. In these cases, it was felt that
managerial staff were unwilling to delegate operational
responsibility to make the relevant changes. A need
was expressed to empower and educate all staff in
allowing changes to occur. “In general, problem solving
is happening at different levels in different departments
and is very much down to line managers. Some
activities are working well such as the RIE and process
mapping exercises.”
In summary staff highlighted that they were doing some
things differently as a result of the service improvement
activities; directors felt they were no longer taking knee
jerk reactions and were moving away from short to
medium term planning to long term planning, the culture
was moving from one of fire fighting and responding
immediately to one of cause and effect with a focus on
the patient and, staff were no longer just talking about
service improvement they were actually doing it.
Overall, many interviewees felt that the service
improvement activity had been ‘done with’ not ‘done to’
them. This view was supported by the senior
management, who mentioned that they had made an
effort to take an “evolution not revolution approach.”
For Ring the majority of the staff did recognise that their
behaviours had; one service manager highlighted that
they were more able to challenge staff, staff had tried to
take more responsibility for making changes and
actively looked to try and change processes, time was
taken to met with clinicians, nursing staff and
operational staff to discuss service improvement and,
several team managers in a focus group highlighted
that had become motivated to make improvements in
their own teams.
However, within Ring “some staff are behaving
differently as a result of getting involved in this project.
There is talk about how things can be done differently
and in terms of the day to day job there is talk about
adding value but the whole language of Lean is not
used by everybody”.
Results (
Thai) 1:
Engagement of Staff: Team working andstructured problem solvingWithin Pottery there was a mixed response to teamworking. There was better clarity of team working insome departments and better interdependence withinsome departments. However there is still some doubtabout team working across departments. In somedepartments, it was stated that it was too early to tellwhether the RIEs had had an impact on team working.However, there was an understanding amongst staffthat teams need to develop further and that they needto work together more to bridge the gap betweendepartments.In terms of structured problem solving in Pottery itbecame clear that other than RIEs, staff had not beenexposed to other problem solving techniques. Thereappeared to be no understanding of what othertechniques could be employed.In Iron there was a range of views regarding the solvingof problems. It was felt that some staff were able toidentify problems or were aware of the problems thatexisted, but were unable or were not supported inmaking changes. In these cases, it was felt thatmanagerial staff were unwilling to delegate operationalresponsibility to make the relevant changes. A needwas expressed to empower and educate all staff inallowing changes to occur. “In general, problem solvingis happening at different levels in different departmentsand is very much down to line managers. Someactivities are working well such as the RIE and processการแม็ปการออกกำลังกาย"ในสรุปเน้นว่า ทำให้พวกเขาบางสิ่งที่แตกต่างกันเป็นผลจากการปรับปรุงการบริการกิจกรรม กรรมการคนรู้สึกว่าไม่ถ่ายเข่ากระทำปฏิกิริยา และการเคลื่อนไหวจากสั้นไประยะปานกลางระยะยาวการวางแผน วางแผนวัฒนธรรมถูกย้ายจากไฟในการต่อสู้ และการตอบสนองอย่างใดอย่างหนึ่งทันทีที่หนึ่งของเหตุและผล โดยมุ่งเน้นผู้ป่วยและ พนักงานไม่เพียงถูกพูดถึงบริการปรับปรุงพวกเขาจริง ๆ ทำมันโดยรวม รู้สึกว่าผู้ให้สัมภาษณ์หลายที่ให้บริการกิจกรรมพัฒนาได้ 'ทำกับ' ไม่ได้ 'ทำให้'พวกเขา มุมมองนี้ได้รับการสนับสนุน โดยอาวุโสการจัดการ ที่กล่าวถึงว่า พวกเขาได้ทำการพยายามใช้การ "วิวัฒนาการไม่ปฏิวัติวิธีการ"สำหรับวงแหวน ส่วนใหญ่ของพนักงานไม่รู้ว่าของพวกเขาพฤติกรรมมี ผู้จัดการบริการหนึ่งเน้นที่เพิ่มเติมสามารถท้าทายพนักงาน พนักงานพยายามรับผิดชอบเพิ่มเติมเปลี่ยนแปลง และดูอย่างแข็งขันเพื่อลอง และเปลี่ยนกระบวนการ เวลาได้ถ่ายไปได้พบกับแพทย์ พยาบาลพนักงาน และพนักงานปฏิบัติการเพื่อหารือเกี่ยวกับการปรับปรุงการบริ และผู้จัดการทีมต่าง ๆ ในกลุ่มโฟกัสเน้นที่เป็นแรงจูงใจให้ทำการปรับปรุงในทีมของตัวเองอย่างไรก็ตาม ในแหวน "พนักงานบางส่วนมีพฤติกรรมแตกต่างกันเป็นผลจากการมีส่วนร่วมในโครงการนี้มีพูดคุยเกี่ยวกับวิธีสิ่งที่สามารถทำได้แตกต่างกันand in terms of the day to day job there is talk aboutadding value but the whole language of Lean is notused by everybody”.
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