Results (
Thai) 1:
“My advice is be aware of ‘cultureclash.’ In Britain there is usuallya maximum of two interviews. Insouthern Europe they will call youback for a third or fourth interview.I lost a very good job in Spain whenI thought they weren’t serious. Iwithdrew my application becausethey asked me to go for a fourthinterview. Looking back, I nowrealise they were doing as theyalways do. I behaved wrongly.”“It’s important to show that youunderstand the working culture.Adapting a similar style of dress toyour co-workers, eating the kindof food they eat, enjoying similaractivities - these things help to wintrust and respect.”“Think of yourself as acultural chameleon, mirror thekind of messages you get aboutcommunication and appearance.People like people who remind themof themselves, and nobody likeswhat they don’t understand.” ■
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