The pocketbooks of most quality professionals got a little fatter last year, and a majority of the workers feel that
more money will be earmarked for them next year, but these increases come with a price - stress from
increased workloads, reduced resources and greater expectations. Quality magazine's Third Annual State of
the Profession Survey once again finds that quality workers are a relatively happy lot. More than 9 out of 10
quality professionals say that they are at least moderately satisfied, and, of those, more than one third are
highly satisfied. Of course, workers have their concerns. They worry about having enough hours in the day to
get everything done; they worry about budget cuts and management issues, global economies and job security.
The average number of hours spent at work by quality professionals is 47. As compared to last year, 33%
worked more hours than they did the year before. Salaries are spread across the board. The mean salary is
$65,190, and the median salary is $61,000, with 1% earning less than $25,000 and 9% earning more than